Counter-Strike - Special, Shooter, PC

21.04.2009, Tobias

Special: Counter-Strike

Das Steam Update aus Profi-Sicht

Ein neues Update. Ein neues Unglück? So schallt es schon jetzt aus der Community des elektronischen Sports. Doch nicht nur unter Gelegenheitsspielern und Hobbyzockern macht sich Ablehnung und Unverständnis breit.

Erst ein Tag ist seit der Veröffentlichung des neuen Updates für  Counter-Strike 1.6 und  Counter-Strike:Condition Zero verstrichen. Wer die Veränderungen genauer unter die Lupe nimmt, wird besonders auf zwei Dinge schnell aufmerksam. Zum Ersten wurde der sogenannte "Russenduck" (auch Silentrun genannt) entfernt. Bei diesem Trick handelt es sich um schnelles, aber koordiniertes Drücken der Ducken-Taste, wordurch einerseits nur jeder zweite Schritt wahrgenommen und andererseits die Hitbox des eigenen Spieler-Models verschoben wird: Diese Tatsache soll es erlauben, beispielsweise die Chance zu erhöhen, einem gegnerischen AWP-Schuss zu entgehen. Doch Moment... Sollte dies nicht bereits geschehen sein? Im Zuge dessen meldete sich Alfred Reynolds von VALVe zu Wort und habe nun explizit darauf hingewiesen, dass er im zweiten Anlauf doch noch aus dem Spiel genommen wurde.


Im Zuge dessen schnappte sich die britische Gamingorganisation Team Dignitas kurzerhand einige Profispieler und bat sie um ihre Meinung. In welchem Bereich sind schließlich solche Änderungen relevanter als auf professioneller Ebene? 

  Sergio "lmbt" Bezhanov (KerchNET)

"I don't care about silent run really but I think CS will become boring, but the jumping sound is a really stupid thing... :/"


  Marcus "Delpan" Larsson (ProStaker)

"Steam sucks, they just destroy CS1.6 ... they never do a good update, just bad updates :("


  Erin "JungleboY" Teucher (Team Dignitas)

"Increasing the sound of silentrun to me isn't a problem as I only notice a slight difference compared to what it used to sound like when using ctrl, however, the to the people who used mousewheel it's now the same sound as ctrl, so a bug's been removed as far as I can tell. However, the jumping thing is one of the stupidest things they could of done to the game, there are so many places in which that little bit of added sound is just going to change the way the game is played, actually quite surprised as to how much of a change something as small as that can make to the dynamics of CS. They need to remove it as far as I'm concerned and fix VERY EASY things like flashbugs at ramp etc."


  Andreas "moddiii" Fridh (ProStaker)

"I think it's very good that they made it so that the russianjump sounds much clearer. That sound when jumping may well work but I think it is a little exaggerated ;D"


  Soren "aneee" Runge (Roskilda Ravens)

"I haven't had the chance to try it out in any matches yet, but I don't think the silentrun or the jumping-sound should've been fixed. I mean, it's become a part of the game now. So I don't think it was a considered update."


  Frej "kHRYSTAL" Sjöström (Lemondogs)

"Making silentrun louder is a good thing, adding a sound to jumping is terrible."


  Mathias "seAzon" Clausen (Begrip Gaming)

"Such a crap sound, it kinda sucks, why do they even put that sound into the game?"


  Matthias "ask" Tritt (hoorai)

"I think it's superfluous cause no one had a problem with the old step sounds. Now you aren't able to make some tricks which made the game so funny and exciting. Valve should better look that they fix some other bugs like the flashbugs."


  Kal "101" Meek

"I don't mind them removing silent running so much, but the jumping sound is retarded. It's taking away the amount of options you have in clutch situations now and just dumbing the game down. Everyone was used to silent running now and in a way it was a good thing. It gets you used to the lan environment when you cant hear footsteps or anything so it would be nice if they had a long think about putting it back in or atleast removing the jumping sound bit."


  Danny "zonic" Sorensen (mTw)

"I think it's sad that Valve removes such a thing in CS. It's a skill and it's not something you just learn over night, people get good at it and noone (from what I know) had any problem with it. But I think there is loads of random people who just wrote an email to Steam because they felt it wasn't realistic enough and they surprisingly responded without making a debate about it."


  Christian "stagep" Stage (Spirit of Amiga)

"I think the silentrun louder update is perfect, but about the sound when jumping, it's kinda destroying a lot of the aspects in the game.. If they just could fix the silentrun and skip the sound when jumping it would be perfect..."


  Ulv Ares "xern" Bjornsson (PCWTeam)

"It will change the gameplay, I choose to embrace it. If there's one bright point in all of it, VALVE is taking an interest in Counter-Strike, let's hope this leads to more fixes on other stuff like the wall on de_train towards alley that u can peek under or the bugflashes i.e. similar stuff."


  Sam "kVicken" Alvandpour

"Well.. I think it more affects Counter-Strike on the internet than on events, which is the more important thing. Since you usually can't hear shit on LAN I don't think the new silentrun will be much of a difference. But my opinion is that they change the wrong stuff. Why not put more effort on the important shit as the bugbox on nuke and bugflashes on all maps?"


  Antonio Rivas "FlipiN" del Rey (x6tence)

"I think it's a nice decision, years ago we didn't use silentrun and we didn't even need it. So I think that this decision shouldn't have an influence nowadays because we all know a Counter-Strike without silentrun."


  Mayra "IpSa" Perez (ZINIC)

"What I totally raged on is the fact that you can hear when you jump up and down, it sounds like a bunch of horses running. Just a small part like that makes a big differens in the game, sound is an important part in cs. If I hear the slightest sound, from where the enemy is, it's just "much easier". Are they trying to make 1.6 more like source?"