Monatsübersicht - Special, Sonstiges, 360, PlayStation3, Switch, Android, iPad, PlayStation4, NDS, Wii, iPhone, XBox, 3DS, XboxOne, PC, Wii_U, WindowsPhone7, PS_Vita

03.01.2013, Mathias Oertel

Special: Monatsübersicht

Spiel des Monats:

Miasmata, PC

Weitere Awards gingen an:

Trine 2: Director's Cut, Wii U


Weitere Tests:

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Wii U, 84%

Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Wii U, 82%

Assassin's Creed 3, Wii U, 78%

Primordia, PC, 78%

Puddle, Wii U, 78%

Mass Effect 3, Wii U, 75%

Minigore 2: Zombies, iOS, 76%

Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Edition, Wii U, 75%

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, PS3, 74%

Wächter von Mittelerde, PS3, 360, 73%

Black Knight Sword, PS3, 360, 70%

Thomas was alone, PC, 69%

Gateways, PC, 360, 67%

Paper Mario: Sticker Star, 3DS, 67%

Nano Assault Neo, Wii U, 64%

Ben 10: Omniverse, Wii U, 60%

GTA Vice City, iOS, 60%

Little Inferno, Wii U, 60%

Family Guy: Zurück ins Multiversum, PS3, 360, 58%

Emergency 2013, PC, 56%

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, iPad, 39%

Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Wii U, 55%

Chasing Aurora, PC, 55%

Die Hüter des Lichts, PS3, 360, 52%

TransFormers Prime, Wii U, 45%

Funky Barn, Wii U, 40%

Polizei 2013 - Die Simulation, PC, 40%

Doomsday: Der Weltuntergangs-Tycoon, PC, 39%

Fuel Overdose, PS3, 28%

Family Party: 30 Great Games, Wii U, 20%

Game Party Champions, Wii U, 16%

Sports Connection, Wii U, 13%


Ersteindruck "Fit 4 Hit":

DmC: Devil may Cry, 360

StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm, PC