Monatsübersicht - Special, Sonstiges, 360, PlayStation4, Android, PC, PS_Vita, PlayStation3, 3DS, iPhone, Wii_U, Wii, WindowsPhone7, XBox, XboxOne, Switch, NDS, iPad

02.05.2013, Mathias Oertel

Special: Monatsübersicht

Spiel des Monats:

Guacamelee, PS3, Vita

Weitere Awards gingen an:

BattleBlock Theatre, 360

Dyad, PC

Knights of Pen & Paper, iOS, Android

Fire Emblem Awakening, 3DS

Help Volty, iPad

Papo & Yo, PC

Weitere Tests:

Incredipede, PC, 83%

Terraria, 360, 83%

HarmoKnight, 3DS, 80%

Injustice - Götter unter uns, PS3, 360, 80%

Slingshot Racing, iPad, 79%

Slingshot Racing, Android, 78%

Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon, PC, PS3, 360, 77%

Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves, PC, 75%

Shootmania Storm, PC, 75%

Switch Galaxy, Vita, 75%

Cities in Motion 2, PC, 73%

Code of Princess, 3DS, 70%

Evoland, PC, 70%

Nano Assault EX, 3DS, 68%

Bridge Project, PC, 67%

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk, PS3, 65%

Bit.Trip Runner 2, Wii U, 65%

Toki Tori 2, Wii U, 65%

Monaco, PC, 64%

Kung-Fu Rabbit, Wii U, 62%

Cubemen 2, PC, iOS, 60%

Lego City Undercover - The Chase Begins, 3DS, 60%

Ninja Gaiden 3 - Razor's Edge, PS3, 360, 60%

Age of Empires 2 HD
, PC, 59%

Army of Two 3: The Devil's Cartel, PS3, 360, 55%

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory, PS3, 55%

Legends of War
, PC, PS3, 360, 50%

Pressure, PC, 50%

Reef Shot - Die Tauch-Expedition, PC, 50%

Sacred Citadel, PC, PS3, 360, 50%

Defiance, PC, PS3, 360, 49%

Dead Island Riptide
, PC, 46%

Dead Island Riptide, 360, 45%

Legends of War, Vita, 45%

Lords of Football, PC, 45%

Star Trek, PS3, 360, 43%

Table Mini Golf, Vita, 40%

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
, 3DS, 39%

Star Trek, PC, 39%

Dead Island Riptide, PS3, 35%


Ersteindruck "Fit 4 Hit":

Lost Planet 3, PC, PS3, 360

The Legend of Zelda, 3DS

Ersteindruck "gut":

Anno Online, PC

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, PC, PS3, 360

Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros., 3DS

Papers, Please, PC

Thief, PC, PS4

Ohne Einschätzung:

FIFA 14, PC, PS3, 360