LucasArts: 'Große Ankündigung am Montag'

05.07.2009 15:11, Marcel Kleffmann

LucasArts: 'Große Ankündigung am Montag'

Für Montag plant LucasArts "eine große Ankündigung", die insbesondere "Old School"-Fans erfreuen soll. Nähere Hinweise als diese "nichts sagende Ankündigung" wurden per Twitter nicht verraten. Vielleicht dreht es sich ja um Remakes à la Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Zak McKracken, Loom, Grim Fandango oder Indiana Jones, schließlich ist gerade mit The Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition eine Neuauflage in Entwicklung...

Amazing news coming Monday! Super excited! You have no idea how tough it is not to start yelling about it! But it's secret! Until Monday! I don't want to tease, it is just tough not to say anything! I might be tempted, however. Have to think about it over the weekend. ;) Okay, we will do hints. It is awesome news for our old school fans. (anything more direct might get me in trouble). Monday, early, actually. I suppose if the president of the company messages me to leak it I would. Til then, it is teasing. Sorry guys.