Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2: Dawn of War II - Patch 1.5.0 veröffentlicht

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2
30.07.2009 22:33, Marcel Kleffmann

Dawn of War II - Patch 1.5.0 veröffentlicht

Wenn ihr euch bei Steam einloggt, wird automatisch der Patch 1.5.0 (There is Only War) für Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War II runtergeladen und installiert. Neben einigen Balancing-Änderungen kommt der Patch mit einem Editor und acht weiteren Mehrspieler-Karten daher.

There is Only War Release Notes 1.5.0

World Builder
- Added the World Builder how-to guide to the root directory
- Fixed a bug where adding a horizon-mesh would cause World Builder to crash

Observer Feature
- Pressing ESC now gets rid of the observer/replay attention arrow. If a unit is selected and an arrow is present, pressing ESC deselects the units. Pressing it again removes the arrow
- Selecting the HQ displays the player's current tech tier
Balance Changes

Tyranid Balance Changes
- The Ravener Alpha-s Hardened Carapace grants 100 health
- Both Carnifexes cannot be repaired
- Sporemine durability vs. small arms increased from 60 to 150 hp
- Screamer Killer Venom Cannon damage increased to 75 from 55 and removes the Spore Cysts ability
- Tier 2 Carnifex damage increased from 200 to 250
- Zoanthrope damage increased from 70 to 80, energy cost reduction on Focus Blast from 80 to 65
- Termagant damage increase on Toxin Sacs upgrade from 1.2 to 1.35
- Tyranid Warriors' hitpoints increased from 320 to 360, Barbed Strangler damage decreased to 45 from 60
- Hive Tyrant's Venom Cannon damage decreased from 75 to 55

Ork Balance Changes
- Slugga Nob damage reduced to 85, Nob Squad Choppa damage increased to 100
- The Kommando knife no longer refunds energy and resets cooldown after killing a target
- Warboss' big stomp radius UI was changed to 10 m
- Warboss' Kustom Shoota can now fire on the move
- Warboss' Angry Bits health regeneration lowered from 1.5 to 1, cooldown from 15 seconds to 30
- Tankbusta population cost lowered 4 to 3
- Slugga Nob Leader damage lowered (due to accidental buff)
- Warboss Stomp damage lowered 40 to 30
- Kommando Nob Leader's hammer damage increased 100 to 175
- Slugga damage increased to 25

Space Marine Balance Changes
- Scouts can now repair while using a sniper rifle
- Set the Apothecary's Rapid Fire ability to no longer knockback retreating units
- Force Commander with Terminator Armor now has a Cleansing Flame ability on his heavy flamer (costs 50 nergy)
- Purification Rights damage decreased from 30 to 15
- Relay Beacon health regeneration rate decreased .4 to .15
- Force Commander's hitpoints increased from 720 to 820
- Tactical Marine bolter damage decreased to 25
- Tactical marine melee damage reduced from 22 to 19
- Purification rites no longer affects retreating units

Eldar Balance Changes
- Spiritual rites radius UI was changed to 15m
- The Fire Prism's explosive shot no longer affects retreating units
- Warpspider squad member hitpoints slightly reduced from 200 to 160, Exarchs from 240 to 200
- Fire Prism's Focus Beam cooldown reduced from 4.5 to 3 seconds
- Debuff removed from Immolator
- Warp Spider Exarch's Improved Targets are moved to tier 1
- Banshee's damage increased to 35 from 33

General Balance Changes
- Zeal/Biomass/Psychic Might/Waaagh! amount from killing/losing units increased by 20%
- Piercing damage modifier vs. Heavy armor decreased to 67%
- Turret damage at long range increased from .15 to .3
- Turrets inflict increased supression, have a minimum range of 2 m, armor type changed to be more vulnerable from small arms fire .01 to .2
- Suppression weapons received the following changes:
- Setup and teardown times reduced by 1 second respectively
- 0.2 to 0.3 at long range
- 1 to 1.25 at medium range
- 2 to 2.75 at short range
- Suppression damage increased from 300 to 400 Bug Fixes

Tyranid Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Bioplasma would not fire if targeted units ran out of the line of sight
- Fixed the broken image on the Ravener Alpha's, exit tunnel', cancel construction', ability

Ork Bug Fixes
- Shoota Boyz Aiming? Wotz Dat? tool tip no longer mentions immobility
- Nob squad tool tip mentions Meaner an' Greener instead of Nob Kit
- Kommando squad tool tip no longer mentions Kommando Kit

Space Marine Bug Fixes
- The Dreadnought's auto cannon ability previews its energy cost properly

Eldar Bug Fixes
- The Farseer-s Ghosthelm tool tip no longer mentions damage to self, mentions suppression
- The Farseer-s Mindwar tool tip mentions suppression
- Warpspider Exarch powerblades tool tip mentions they are effective against infantry

UI Bugs
- Added a missing tooltip for observers in the multiplayer games list
- Fixed a bug causing player loading bars to be cut off in 1280×1024 resolutions

Performance Bugs
- Fixed a bug that disallowed users with high-end machines to set their graphics settings to Ultra
- Fixed a fatal scar error involving Anti Armor in the campaign

Gameplay Bugs
- Fixed an exploit where repeatedly setting up and tearing down the Ranger's sniper rifle would increase the unit's firing rate
- Fixed a bug involving melee units targeting retreating units
- Stabilized randomness of units using special attacks
- Fixed an exploit where players could make units at the HQ retreat towards a relay beacon in the field
- Fixed a bug where clicking on a hero's portrait would render targetable abilities unusable

Map Fixes
- Fixed an exploit in (6p) Ruins of Argus where players could build structures and move units in an mpassible area

Post-game bugs
- Fixed a bug where incorrect trueskill values were shown after viewing a player's statistics screen in the post-game
- Fixed a crash that occurred when viewing another player's statistics during a game-starting countdown

Networking Improvements
- Fixed a networking bug that caused users to lag and disconnect due to a proxy communication problem