Battlefield 2 - Project Reality v0.87: Singleplayer

Battlefield 2
30.09.2009 11:59, Marcel Kleffmann

Battlefield 2 - Project Reality v0.87: Singleplayer

Eine Singleplayer-Version der auf Realismus getrimmten Project Reality v0.87 Modifikation für Battlefield 2 (ab 21,91€ bei kaufen) steht mittlerweile zum Download bereit.

Folgende Dateien müssen ebenfalls installiert sein:

Download: Battlefield 2 - Patch 1.5 (1,92 GB)
Download: Project Reality v0.87 - Core (1,77 GB)
Download: Project Reality v0.87 - Levels (1,41 GB)

Es müssen sowohl die Core- als auch Level-Pakete installiert werden.

Project Reality Single Player v0.87 has been a long time in development. With this new release, all of the current Project Reality v0.87 maps are supported. Along with a full complement of maps, the AI has gotten tougher and more realistic with countless vehicle and weapon tweaks, bug fixes and improvements.

Project Reality Single Player v0.87 Features:
- All Project Reality v0.87 maps supported (25 maps in total)
- Muttrah City 2 AI support.
- Battle for Qinling - Infantry AI support.
- Kozelsk AI support.
- Operation Archer AI support.
- Operation Barracuda AI support.
- Various improvements to many existing maps.
- Better AI support for all vehicles.
- Various bug fixes and tweaks.