Metroid Prime Trilogy - Produktion eingestellt

Metroid Prime Trilogy
10.01.2010 14:19, Marcel Kleffmann

Metroid Prime Trilogy - Produktion eingestellt

Nintendo scheint die Metroid Prime Trilogy-Produktion eingestellt zu haben, dies geht aus eMail-Antworten des Kundenservice von Big N hervor. Im gleichen Atemzug äußerte der Kundenservice, dass ohnehin nur eine limitierte Auflage geplant war - ohne Gründe dafür zu nennen. Metroid Prime Trilogy wird fortan nur noch "gebraucht" zu bekommen sein.

"Unfortunately, Metroid Prime Trilogy is no longer being shipped. Having said that, you may be able to find what you seek through the secondhand video game market. [...] The earlier response regarding Metroid Prime Trilogy was correct:  it is no longer being shipped.  When first introduced, it was announced that there would be limited availability.  However, a reason for this was not announced.  That being said, you may still be able to locate a copy via stores that specialize in previously played or used games."