Stargate Resistance angekündigt

Stargate Resistance
11.12.2009 13:13, Marcel Kleffmann

Stargate Resistance angekündigt

Neben dem von endlosen Sorgen geplagten Online-Rollenspiel Stargate Worlds ist noch ein weiteres Stargate-Spiel in Entwicklung und zwar Stargate Resistance. In diesem Third-Person-Multiplayer-Actionspiel (kein Einzelspieler-Modus) treten "Stargate Command" und die "System Lords" gegeneinander an, jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Klassen wie Soldat, Wissenschaftler und 'Commando' bei SGC und Jaffa, Ashrak oder Goa'uld bei den System Lords. In den hinlänglich bekannten Modi "Team Deathmatch", "Capture the Tech" und "Domination" treten die beiden Teams gegeneinander an (maximal 16 Spieler). Eine Veröffentlichung (nur PC) im ersten Quartal 2010 wird angestrebt.

How will Stargate Resistance be different from Stargate Worlds?
While both games are set in the Stargate universe and involve Stargate lore and canon, they are two completely different games in two completely different genres. Stargate Worlds is an MMO (massively multiplayer online game) whereas Stargate Resistance is an online 3rd person shooter. Stargate Resistance offers a very different experience to our fans than Stargate Worlds, but you can expect to come across some familiar people and places.

Will my combat strategy vary depending on the class Im playing?
Yes. Stargate Resistance is a 3rd person shooter at its core, but the diversity between our classes and the abilities they each posses makes for gameplay that is not only fast-paced but also strategic. You will need to consider the strengths of your character and the weaknesses of your current target each time you enter combat. No two classes play the same and players may find they prefer certain classes for certain game modes. However, the more comfortable you become with each class the more you will discover ways to use them effectively in any situation.

How does Galactic Domination Work?
Galactic Domination represents the continual struggle for control over the universe between the System Lords and the SGC. Each battle won increases your factions domination over that particular planet. If the battle is a landslide victory and you completely crush your opponents, you will receive more domination points than if your team barely wins by the skin of their teeth. If the balance in power for a particular battlefield is tipped greatly in your favor then you will receive bonuses while fighting there. If your faction manages to gain dominance over several planets then you will receive even greater bonuses.