Lineage 2: Lineage II - 14-tägige Trialversion

Lineage 2
09.02.2010 09:18, Marcel Kleffmann

Lineage II - 14-tägige Trialversion

Das Online-Rollenspiel Lineage II kann fortan wieder zwei Wochen lang kostenlos angetestet werden. Die 14-tägige Trialversion bietet die Möglichkeit, kostenlos und ohne Angabe von Kreditkarten-Daten in die Welt von Aden (36 Charakterklassen) einzutauchen. Sollten sich die Spieler nach dem Ablauf der 14-Tage-Trial zum Kauf entscheiden, werden alle in der Trial-Phase gemachten Fortschritte reaktiviert.

The Lineage II free trial program features a hassle-free (no credit card required) sign-up and provides players the ability to quest their way to level 40 with up to three characters, giving players a chance to explore multiple kingdoms of Aden as well as dabble in the games 36 character classes. A players progress beyond the 14-day trial period will be saved and is reactivated when they decide to purchase a retail copy of the game.

New and returning players who haven't stepped foot in Aden in a while will be able to enjoy the most robust version of Lineage II yet, thanks to the recent Gracia Epilogue patch, which delivered new dungeons, new game mechanics and refined communication tools. Along with the Refer-A-Friend program that grants current players bonus game time for recruiting friends and family to Lineage II, there has never been a better time to bring likeminded players into the game.