Star Trek Online: Patch-Zeit

Star Trek Online
24.02.2010 11:04, Marcel Kleffmann

Star Trek Online: Patch-Zeit

Ein Update für Star Trek Online (ab 12,50€ bei kaufen) ist veröffentlicht worden und wird automatisch mit dem "Cryptic Launcher" runtergeladen. Das Update behebt (endlich) die Darstellungsfehler im Kommunikationsfenster (dt./frz. Version) mit der Sternenflotte, schafft ein Problem mit neuen Brückenoffizier-Fertigkeiten aus der Welt und sorgt dafür, dass die täglichen Missionen alle 20 Stunden (anstatt 24 Stunden) wiederholt werden können. Einige weitere Bugs soll das Update ebenfalls bekämpfen.

-We've addressed an issue where some Bridge Officer powers were not getting slotted properly when you trained new powers. This update will address and attempt to place powers in the proper rank slots the next time your character logs in.
-The special item Red Matter Capacitor now properly triggers its cooldown when you have two so that they cannot be stacked.
-Fixed an interact in the Rashana Base that would not work if you did the objectives out of order.
-French and German Remote Contacts now work properly and should not have garbled HTML tags anymore.
-The traffic controller who allowed access on Starbase 39 was not doing the job very well. We've made adjustments so that players are always able to beam down regardless of what missions are sending you there.
-A remote contact was prematurely giving out the mission for the upcoming Deep Space 9 Fleet Action which has not been pushed to release yet. Players should no longer be offered this mission until the Fleet Action is pushed in an upcoming update.
-Daily missions were recently updated to reset 24 hours since taking the mission. Weve reduced this to 20 hours since taking the mission to allow time for players to complete the missions around the same time every day.
-Players who had selected Escorts during the Captain promo mission were unable to clear the mission after getting their ship. This fix prevents this from happening again but does not retroactively fix players with this mission already in progress. Fix for players stuck with this mission unable to complete is coming soon.