Bloodline Champions - "Open Beta" gestartet

Bloodline Champions
18.12.2010 12:07, Marcel Kleffmann

Bloodline Champions - "Open Beta" gestartet

Funcom und die Stunlock Studios haben die geschlossene Beta-Phase des Multiplayer-Arenaspiels Bloodline Champions (vgl. mit DotA ohne Standard-Creeps) abgeschlossen und den offenen Beta-Test eröffnet. Wenn ihr das Spiel rund um die teambasierten Arenaschlachten mit diversen Helden ausprobieren wollt, könnt ihr euch auf der offiziellen Website für die "Open Beta" anmelden.

"Bringing the game out of closed beta and into open beta is very exciting," says Tau Petersson, CEO of Stunlock Studios. "We have been very fortunate to have had so many players testing the game through closed beta, and we are looking forward to a wave of new players coming in to help us perfect the game before launch in mid-January. As developers we are thrilled to see the great support we have received from our players, and we look forward to supporting our players through the open beta and far beyond launch."