DC Universe Online: Neue Inhalte veröffentlicht

DC Universe Online
06.04.2011 10:02, Benjamin Schmädig

DC Universe Online: Neue Inhalte veröffentlicht

Seit gestern ist die zweite Erweiterung für das Superhelden-Abenteuer erhältlich: In Heads or Tales ergründen Level 30-Spieler u.a. Batmans Schattenseite, denn der Dunkle Ritter wurde nicht nur mit einem Virus infiziert, sondern muss auch mit Brainiac's Avatar of Technology zusammenarbeiten. Weiterhin kann man als Two-Face in den Unterschlupf des Pinguin eindringen und darf den diabolischen Charakter auch im PvP-Kampf verwenden. Heads or Tales steht ab sofort kostenlos zur Verfügung. Nachfolgend alle Neuerungen auf einen Blick:

- Batcave 3 Raid: Level 30 players are brought face-to-face with The Dark Knight himself. Unfortunately, he's been infected with a virus and has teamed up with the all-powerful Brainiac's Avatar of Technology.

· Two-Face Instance: Following Harvey Dent/Two-Face on a mission into Penguin's hideout, players will aim to take out his latest smuggling operation. The kicker? You don't know if he will help or hinder your efforts - the chances are 50/50 and everything depends on the flip of a coin!
· Legends PvP: Two-Face/Harvey Dent will be added as a playable character in Legends "Play as Iconic" PvP mode.
- New Attacks: Call in your own mob of goons to keep your opponent occupied as you unleash a suppressive bullet spray, oil drum trap or grenade launcher.
· Flip-of-the-Coin Abilities: Switch powers based on which side the coin lands: the Two-Face side deals more damage and DoT attacks and the Harvey Dent side gives more control, knockdowns and stuns.

· Mister Mxyzptlk: Experience Metropolis transformed by the presence of Mr. Mxyzptlk and his fellow 5th dimensional supervillain tricksters.
· Multiplayer Race: Players can assume the guise of a 5th Dimensional Denizen and play tricks on fellow races over the skies of Metropolis.
· New Gold Collections: New encounters with 5th Dimensional Denizens dressed as Leprechauns guarding a Pot Of Gold that players will need to find and collect coins from while the Leprechauns try to stop them in various amusing ways.