Total War: Shogun 2 - DirectX 11-Patch im Mai

Total War: Shogun 2
16.04.2011 12:42, Marcel Kleffmann

Total War: Shogun 2 - DirectX 11-Patch im Mai

Das versprochene DirectX 11-Update für Total War: Shogun 2 (ab 7,50€ bei GP_logo_black_rgb kaufen) wird etwas später erscheinen als geplant, dies bestätigte Craig Laycock in einem offiziellen Statement , u.a. wegen der unplanmäßig aufwändigen Testprozedur. Im gleichen Atemzug bittet er die Community um Verständnis.

Ansonsten verspricht er für das "Patch 2" betitelte Update die Engine-Erweiterung für DirectX 11 (u.a. Hardware Tessellation, erweitertes Schattensystem etc.) und Anti-Aliasing-Support für DirectX 10.1 und 11. Darüber hinaus sollen die Entwickler von der großen Resonanz und den hohen Multiplayer-Nutzungszahlen überrascht worden sein und kündigen mit "Patch 2" ebenfalls einige Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen in diesem Bereich an. Anfang Mai soll das Update erscheinen und danach soll noch lange nicht Schluss sein...

In the weeks since Total War: Shogun 2’s launch, we’ve been working super-hard to make the Shogun 2 experience as great as we can make it. As part of our long-term commitment to supporting the game, we’ve been making issues identified by members of our community our top priority.

So, we’re planning to roll out some fairly substantial fixes in the coming weeks and months. The first stage of this is Patch 2 which, we’re thrilled to announce, will also upgrade the engine to DirectX 11. This means those of you with DX11-capable cards will be able to access features such as hardware tessellation and enhanced shadowing. Patch 2 will also bring Anti-Aliasing support.

Since Shogun 2’s launch, we’ve been completely blown away by the success of multiplayer. However, the multiplayer issues many of you have identified require our thorough attention, so that’s a really big priority as well. You can expect a raft of multiplayer fixes and modifications in Patch 2, and beyond.

You’ll appreciate that all this takes a lot of time and testing, and while we’re working as hard as we can, we may not quite make the 2-4 week post-launch window that we’d originally hoped to hit. We’re aiming to get patch 2 to you in the first week of May though, so not long to wait now.

Thanks for your ongoing patience, and please bear with us!