Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad: Red Orchestra 2: Patch

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
21.10.2011 23:10, Marcel Kleffmann

Red Orchestra 2: Patch

Ein knapp 220 MB großes Update für Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (ab 7,03€ bei kaufen) wird automatisch via Steam runtergeladen. Der Patch behebt einige Bugs und fügt die erste Ladung an Verbesserungen für kompetetive Matches (Clan Matches) ein - sowie entsprechende Broadcasting-Möglichkeiten.

Clan/Competitive Match Support Functionality Part 1
This update includes the first batch of additional functionality and bugs fixes to support playing and broadcasting competitive matches. Additionally the update also includes general bug fixes and additional SDK functionality.

Spectating Additions and Fixes
-Added functionality so that players that join as "Spectators Only" (i.e. a spectator that joined a server by right clicking a server in the browser and selecting "join as Spectator") can have access to unrestricted views. This functionality is particularly useful for streaming/casting RO2 competitive matches so the spectator showing the match has the flexibility to use all of the views. This can be disabled by setting bLockTrueSpectatorsView=true in ROGame.ini if you want to limit true spectators to the same view as players that are actually playing.
-Set it up so that "Spectators Only" can cycle through viewing players on both teams. This is also particularly useful for streaming/casting RO2 competitor matches.
-Set it up so that "Spectators Only" will be able to see the player names over the heads of players from both teams. This is also particularly useful for streaming/casting RO2 competitor matches.
-Fixed a bug where when trying to switch the spectating view mode it would also switch the player being viewed
-Fixed an issue with specating where you could go into locked third person view even when the specating was restricted to first person only. Should also fix getting first person spectating views in vehicles

Clan Match
-Added a new setting for use when the "Ready Up" system is enabled (for instance ready up is enabled by default for countdown) - bAllPlayersMustReadyUp which can be set in ROGame.ini. If true, all players must ready up to start a match (or the PreStartDuration counts down - note if PreStartDuration is 0 the match will never start till all players ready up with this set true). Useful for clan matches so that the match will not start until all players have readied up (set PreStartDuration=0 and bAllPlayersMustReadyUp = true in ROGame.ini to do this).

Server Configuration - Custom Game Mode
Note: The below settings are Custom mode only, and servers will not run in Ranked mode with them enabled (since the settings essentially override the ranking system).
-Added the ability to limit character class ranking. Using this setting server admins running the Custom game mode setting can limit the maximum ranking levels which will limit class ability upgrades and weapon type unlocks (such as the MkB42, AVT40, Semi Auto Sniper Rifles, etc). Setting MaxClassRank in ROGame.ini or in the webadmin to any value greater than zero will limit the class ranks to the specified level. Valid override values are 1-5 (1 limiting to Raw Recruit, 5 limiting to Hero).

-Added the ability to limit weapon specific ranking. Using this setting server admins running the Custom game mode setting can limit the maximum weapon ranking levels which will limit weapon ability upgrades and weapon functionality unlocks (such as different scopes, bigger magazines, etc). Setting MaxWeaponProficiencyLevel in ROGame.ini or in the webadmin to any value greater than zero will limit the weapon proficiency upgrades to the specificed level. Valid override values are 1-51 (1 limiting to no weapon upgrading, 26 will limit the game to the first tier upgrades (PPSH drum mag, etc) but not allow further major upgrades).

Example uses:
Clan Match - to make certain all players are exactly even with no upgrades set MaxClassRank=1 and MaxWeaponProficiencyLevel=1 in ROGame.ini (or through webadmin).

Restrict To Basic Weapons and Upgrades - set MaxClassRank=2 and MaxWeaponProficiencyLevel=26 in ROGame.ini (or through webadmin) and players will be able to play with basic weapons and basic upgrades that have have earned on a Ranked server (like the PPSH drum mag), but not be able to play with upper level weapons (like the MkB and AVT).

General Fixes
-Fixed not being able to type in foreign languages

SDK Functionality/Fixes
-Disabled the steam game overlay for the editor. This was causing the editor to crash when launching through steam.
-Fixed a crash compiling .uc files.

To create a mutator or gametype mod use the UE3 process (same as UDK, UT3)
1) Find RO2 in My Documents and place your .uc files in My Documents\My Games\RedOrchestra2\ROGame\Src\MyModName\Classes.
2) Add ModPackages=MyModName to [ModPackages] in ROEditor.ini
3) Run the game with ?Game=MyModName.MyGameType -useunpublished
4) Publishing support is coming soon (note Mutators can be run offline, but aren't supported for servers yet)