Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011): CoD Modern Warfare 3: Elite überlastet

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011)
08.11.2011 12:33, Julian Dasgupta

CoD Modern Warfare 3: Elite überlastet

Mit Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (4P-Test) läuft heute der nächste Ableger von Activision Blizzards lukrativer Serie vom Stapel. Laut Angaben des Publishers lagen noch mehr Vorbestellungen für den Shooter vor als dies bei Call of Duty: Black Ops der Fall war - und jener Titel hatte bekanntermaßen diverse Umsatzrekorde aufgestellt.

Dem initialen Ansturm ist die neue Online-Plattform der Reihe, Call of Duty: Elite, fast schon erwartungsgemäß nicht ganz gewachsen. Laut der offiziellen Statusseite kann es derzeit Probleme mit der Verfügbarkeit geben. Beachhead arbeite eifrig daran, die Server-Kapazitäten auszubauen.

We are proud to say that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has launched and millions of people are already playing online.

Registration requests for our new live service Call of Duty Elite are exceeding even our most optimistic expectations, which is creating a bottleneck and some players have not been able to register.

We have already registered hundreds of thousands of players and we are working around the clock to increase our capacity as quickly as possible.

If you encounter this issue, please check back here or follow us at @CallofDutyElite on Twitter for live status updates.

Please be assured your gameplay data is safe and that whenever you successfully register for Call of Duty Elite, all of your data will be waiting for you. So enjoy the game, start ranking up and we assure you we are working around the clock to accommodate every player who wants to be a part of Call of Duty Elite as quickly as possible. We will update you frequently to keep you informed.

Thanks for your patience,
Chacko Sonny
Studio Head, Beachhead Studio