Scrolls: Und der endgültige Name ist...

10.03.2012 22:46, Paul Kautz

Scrolls: Und der endgültige Name ist...

...Scrolls! Wie Mojang heute verkündete , ist der Streit mit Bethesda wohl endgültig ad acta gelegt, womit der Name des neuen Spiels der Minecraft-Macher jetzt offiziell "Scrolls" ist.

"Dear members of the internet,

We have settled the lawsuit over Scrolls and Mojang and Bethesda are friends again.

To answer the big question – yes Scrolls is still going to be called Scrolls.

To answer the second question – we aren’t going to keep the trade mark.

For us this was never about a trade mark but being able to use Scrolls as the name of our game which we can – Yey."