Civilization 5: Civilization V - Bald mit "Steam Workshop"

Civilization 5
03.06.2012 11:51, Marcel Kleffmann

Civilization V - Bald mit "Steam Workshop"

Bisher konnten die von der Community erstellten Mods für Civilization V direkt im Spiel ausgewählt und installiert werden. Mit der anstehenden Erweiterung Gods & Kings soll dieses System komplett überarbeitet werden. Vielmehr soll Civilization V einen eigenen "Steam Workshop" bekommen, mit dem die Modifikationen (außerhalb des Spiels) leichter gesucht, verwaltet, abonniert, bewertet und diskutiert werden können.

"Never used Steam Workshop before? Here are the improvements it has over the current system:

  • Don't want to fire up the game to see what mods are available? No problem. Browse mods either in-game or on the Steam Workshop website.
  • Find a mod that you really like, and want to see what else the author has made? Check out the author's personal Workshop to see everything he or she has made. You can even "Follow" authors to keep track of their future mods.
  • Found a perfect combination of mods that work well together and want to tell others about it? Create a "Collection" and share it with your friends.
  • Like the idea of a mod, but don't want to necessarily install it right now? Add it to your favorites and you'll be able to keep track of it without installing.
  • Love a mod and want others to know? Comment directly on the mod in the Workshop."