Firefall - Euro-Server starten

04.12.2012 10:16, Marcel Kleffmann

Firefall - Euro-Server starten

Am kommenden Wochenende wird das zweite "Beta Weekend" von Firefall stattfinden und passend dazu sollen auch die europäischen Server des Free-to-play-Shooters an den Start gehen. Die "Beta Weekends" sollen 48 Stunden dauern und als Stress-Test für Server und Infrastuktur fungieren. Interessierte Spieler können sich weiterhin auf der offiziellen Website registrieren.

"We've been working hard to get these servers up and running for our European fans and it's great that we were able to launch them in time for the Beta Weekends," said Mark Kern, CEO of Red 5. "We still expect some kinks as the stress-testing continues, but overall, performance should be improved significantly with less lag for European players."

New open world content that's online for testing includes:

  • Boss Encounters - Take on the powerful "Baneclaw" behind the Melding
  • Chosen Warfront - Fight back the Chosen invasion before key areas are lost
  • New Encounters - Rebuild crashed Thumpers, race LGVs, discover new areas and missions