Legend of Grimrock: Patch & Mod-Spiel gefällig?

Legend of Grimrock
19.12.2012 18:40, Julian Dasgupta

Legend of Grimrock: Patch & Mod-Spiel gefällig?

Pünktlich zu dessen Inklusion im Humble Indie Bundle 7 melden sich die Entwickler von Legend of Grimrock zu Wort und verkünden , man habe soeben einen frischen Patch (v1.3.6) veröffentlicht. Die wichtigsten Änderungen: Ein neuer Render-Modus soll die Performance des RPGs auf schwächeren System deutlich verbessern. Außerdem hat Almost Human den Editor weiter aufgemöbelt. Der lässt bastelfreudige Zeitgenossen neuerdings eigene Nutzeroberflächen gestalten und kann auch für 2D-Projekte verwendet werden. Wer wissen will, was sich damit in der Praxis machen lässt, kann sich dann auch gleich Toorum's Quest II per Steam Workshop oder Grimrock Nexus herunterladen.

Die vollständigen Patch-Notes:

- added new graphics option Render Quality, setting it to low may increase frame rate dramatically on low end systems
- added new game option Tablet Mode, which enables attacking with left mouse button
- added support for wall and pillar placement for LightSources
- entities with pillar placement can now be placed next to walls in the editor
- added anchorPos, anchorRotation, targetPos and targetSize properties for altar definitions
- added new entity property: class
- added new scripting functions: getMaxLevels(), isWall(level, x, y), Party:setPosition(x, y, level, facing), Monster:setPosition(x, y, level, facing), Monster:getHealth(), Monster:getLevel(), Champion:getFood(), Champion:addTrait(trait, silent), Champion:removeTrait(trait), Champion:hasTrait(trait), Item:getScrollImage(), Item:insertItem(slot, item), Item:removeItem(slot), Item:getItem(slot), Item:getItem(slot)
- added getStatistic(statName) (possible statistics are: “play_time”, “monsters_killed”, “items_found”, “secrets_found”, “treasures_found”, “toorum_notes_found”, “skulls_found”, “grimrock_doors_opened”, “tiles_moved”, “pit_falls”, “melee_attacks”, “ranged_attacks”, “unarmed_attacks”, “rocks_thrown”, “spells_cast”, “potions_mixed”)
- added craftingTool property for recipes (support for new crafting tools)
- bug fix: crash when party stops resting and there is a onRest hook but no onWakeUp hook
- lever click box can be adjusted by placing a Node named “lever_node” in the model file
- added new LightSource property: flicker
- added new optional parameter for shootProjectile(): championOrdinal
- added Item:onEquipItem(champion, slot) and Item:onUnequipItem(champion, slot) hooks (works for all inventory slots)
- bug fix: shootProjectile’s offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ parameters don’t work
- added onDrawGui, onDrawInventory, onDrawSkills, onDrawStats hooks to Party class for implementing custom guis
- corrected grammatical errors (thanks Komag!)
- small tweaks to the Grimrock dungeon