Minecraft: Doku-Film verfügbar

23.12.2012 12:11, Julian Dasgupta

Minecraft: Doku-Film verfügbar

Nachdem Minecraft (ab 18,98€ bei kaufen): The Story of Mojang gestern in einigen Märkten auf Xbox Live seine Premiere feierte, kann der Film seit heute von 2 Player Productions bezogen werden. Die DVD-Fassung (Normal Edition) schlägt mit 20 Dollar zu Buche, dazu kommen nochmal mindestens sieben Dollar Versandgebühr. Günstiger und direkter ist da die Download-Version des Dokumentarfilms, in dem das Team das erste Jahr von Mojang begleitet. Für acht Dollar kann man den Film streamen und in einer DRM-freien Fassung herunterladen.

2PP hat das Werk übrigens selbst zur Pirate Bay hochgeladen . Neben ein paar Grußworten gibt es da u.a. die folgende Botschaft:

"We wanted to come here first because we knew the movie would end up here eventually, and the best thing to do seemed to be opening a dialogue. Torrents and piracy are a way of life and it probably won't be going anywhere anytime soon. There are many people that want to punish you for that, but we have a more realistic outlook on things.

We've been there. We've all needed to do it at some point. Maybe you don't have the money. Maybe you want to try before you buy. Maybe you're pissed at us for premiering the movie on Xbox Live. These are all fine reasons. But if you feel that piracy is, in Gabe Newell's words, "a service problem," please consider that we are selling DRM free digital downloads that you can watch in whatever manner you please.

We're just three guys trying to make a living doing what we love. We love the world of video games, and we love making it real. If you buy the movie, you support those efforts. The reason we Kickstarted this movie in the first place was that we didn't have enough money to make it ourselves, and even then, we still put A LOT of our own money into it. Not to mention nearly two years of work.

Watch the movie. Hopefully you'll like it, and understand what we're trying to do. Please consider supporting us by buying the $8 DRM-free digital download of the movie at www.theminecraftmovie.com, or the $20 DVD from www.fangamer.net."