Dreamfall Chapters - Book 1: Reborn: Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey - Erfolgreich finanziert und mehr Inhalte

Dreamfall Chapters - Book 1: Reborn
10.03.2013 10:38, Marcel Kleffmann

Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey - Erfolgreich finanziert und mehr Inhalte

Die Kickstarter-Finanzierung von Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey ist soeben erfolgreich zu Ende gegangen. Red Thread Games konnnte 1.538.425 Dollar von fast 22.000 Unterstützern einsammeln - per PayPal kann das Adventure weiterhin direkt bei den Entwicklern gekauft werden. Das ursprüngliche Ziel lag bei 850.000 Dollar.

Und da auch die Marke von 1,5 Mio. durchbrochen wurde, wird das Spiel als "The Director's Cut" veröffentlicht. Demnach wird es einen Audio-Kommentar und reichlich neue Inhalte (Gebiete, Charaktere, Rätsel und Gespräche) geben, die vorher aus Kostengründen gestrichen wurden. Wenn alles nach Plan läuft, soll das Spiel im November 2014 erscheinen - auch in deutscher Sprache.

"The Director's Cut, of course, adds back all the content we had to cut for cost reasons, along with a director's commentary of the game. With a bigger budget, we can hire more people and we can bring back the locations, characters, puzzles and conversations that were left on the cutting room floor. These include:

The House of Dreams, one of the more old-school-elegant Emporiums in Europolis. Built to resemble the romantic 'ideal' of the opium dens of the late 1800s and early 1900s, it's dark and moody, filled with velvet and silk and incense, and everyone who works there is appropriately (or inappropriately) dressed. Madame Nyx is the flamboyant proprietor of The House of Dreams, a loud and boisterous character who has built a business out of supplying customers with lucid dreams.

Then there is Likho, a fierce, one-eyed Dolmari fighter and a member of the underground resistance in Marcuria. His background is a mystery, but something in his past has made him hate the Azadi people more than most, and his history is intertwined somehow with Kian's.

As an example of how important these stretch goals are to us, here is a character we were able to bring back after achieving an earlier stretch goal, A Longer Journey.

This character and his story arc had been removed from the game, but with the additional funds and a bigger budget, we were able to bring him back and make him an integral part of the story again.

Falk Friedman is a Corporate Jäger employed by various global conglomerates and corporations to take care of unofficial, off-the-books business. He has just been hired by WatiCorp to hunt someone or something down -- but who that (or what) is, we're not going to reveal."

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