Ouya - Erste Konsolen ausgeliefert und Spiele-Video

29.03.2013 11:15, Marcel Kleffmann

Ouya - Erste Konsolen ausgeliefert und Spiele-Video

In Übersee wird die Ouya-Konsole bereits an die Kickstarter-Unterstützer ausgeliefert und ab dem 04. Juni 2013 soll der Einzelhandel (in den USA) mit dem Gerät versorgt werden. Bisher sollen über 100 Spiele verfügbar sein - alle Titel können kostenlos ausprobiert werden. Einen kleinen Überblick über die zur Verfügung stehenden Spiele ermöglicht das folgende Video:

"As of 7:59 p.m. PT, there are already 104 published games on OUYA (all still free to try), like Final Fantasy III and some new surprises we think you’ll love: Beast Boxing Turbo, Stalagflight, Knightmare Tower, and even one called Save the Puppies. There are already a few entertainment apps, too. You can watch the TV shows and movies you already own with XBMC and Flixster, or watch games streamed through TwitchTV. (...)

A couple things our team wants you to know when you get your OUYA:

  • When you first boot it up, you’ll experience our first update :) This will either be super fast (seconds) or allow you to get a drink (minutes) based on your connection speed. Eventually, we want to do these updates in the background...
  • You’ll need a credit/debit card to download games. All games are still free to try. Your card will only be charged if you buy content you love. We do want valid payment information for everyone. This is to ensure that game developers can get paid when you love their game.
  • OUYA supports up to four controllers (you can always get more at http://ouya.tv ). And, because we support Bluetooth, you can pair other devices as well.  We are testing now and will start publishing a list of devices soon."