Wasteland 2: Retail-Version über Deep Silver

Wasteland 2
11.07.2013 14:03, Julian Dasgupta

Wasteland 2: Retail-Version über Deep Silver

Wie inXile verlauten lässt , wird Deep Silver eine Retail-Version von Wasteland 2 (ab 0,69€ bei kaufen) veröffentlichen. Der Publisher wird sich um deren Vertrieb kümmern und auch seine Testabteilung für das Rollenspiel zur Verfügung stellen.

Das Studio ist nach wie vor selbst für den Verkauf der Download-Fassung zuständig und gebe mit dem Deal auch nicht die kreative Hoheit an dem Projekt ab. Auf die versprochene DRM-freie Fassung oder Pläne für zukünftige Erweiterungen habe der Vertrag ebenfalls keinerlei Einfluss.

Die Entwickler veröffentlichten außerdem einen neuen Screenshot, mit dem man den derzeitigen Stand bei der Nutzeroberfläche darlegen will.

Can Deep Silver make any changes to the game?

No, we’re retaining creative control. Thanks to our backers, we’re fully funded and free to implement our own creative vision, and directly communicate with our backers and crowdsource ideas.

So this is good news? 

Absolutely! For inXile, we always intended to use a third party to handle these matters, as we are simply too small a studio to be capable of handling all the award fulfillment details from a practical standpoint. By finding the right partner, we gain not just time: it also frees up financial resources for us as they are more efficient at handling physical fulfillment than we would be. All of that time and funding saved will go right back into the game. We’ll also benefit from additional support from Deep Silver on things like international version QA.

For our backers and fans, it assures you that distribution will be handled professionally and quickly, and will assure a smooth experience for getting the game and goodies into your hands. This deal also allows us to put a retail version on the shelves, so people who discover the game later can still get a physical copy. The digital distribution and sales are still being handled by inXile.

Does this change anything about inXile’s plans in DRM or DLC/expansions? 

Not at all, that too remains in our control. Deep Silver is a perfect partner for this: they have no interest in interfering with our promises when it comes to DRM-free release or any future plans we may have for expansions, all our previous promises on these stand. So the only real impact for our backers is that the physical goods fulfillment is in good hands.