Mighty No. 9 - "Boss Rush Mode" und mehr Zusatzziele u.a. Umsetzungen für Xbox One und PS4

Mighty No. 9
12.09.2013 10:58, Marcel Kleffmann

Mighty No. 9 - "Boss Rush Mode" und mehr Zusatzziele u.a. Umsetzungen für Xbox One und PS4

Mittlerweile haben über 35.000 Personen den geistigen Mega-Man-Nachfolger bei Kickstarter unterstützt. 2.030.659 Dollar sind bisher zusammengekommen und damit ist das Zusatzziel "Boss Rush Mode" erreicht worden. In diesem Spielmodus können die Bossgegner einzeln herausgefordert werden und dabei wird die Kampfdauer festgehalten. Bei 2.200.000 Dollar sollen Konsolenversionen von Mighty No. 9 (ab 9,50€ bei kaufen) für Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 und Wii U folgen.

Ansonsten haben die Entwickler noch weitere Zusatzziele angesetzt. Ab 2,4 Mio. wird es einen Herausforderungsmodus (Remix der Levels) geben und bei 2,55 Mio. folgt eine weitere Stage plus Bosskampf, die erst zugänglich wird, wenn man die anderen acht Bosse besiegt hat. Bei 2,75 Mio. soll ein kooperativer Spielmodus (mit mehr als einem Dutzend Missionen) für zwei Spieler folgen. Bei 3,3 Mio. Dollar sollen ebenfalls Umsetzungen für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One erscheinen. Die Stretchgoals bei 2,9 und 3,1 Mio. sollen noch bekannt gegeben werden.

(Quelle: Kickstarter )

"$2.0 Million: BONUS Boss Rush Mode!

That’s right -- we’re adding a stretch goal here without pushing any of the other goals back! (Think of it more like a stretch reward.) :) After a lot of feedback (which we agreed with) on the big gap before the next goal of PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U console versions, the team really wanted to have something for everyone to aim for and celebrate along the way. So we took our best-bang-for-the-buck potential future goal and will include it as a bonus feature if we can hit $2 million: a separate mode where you can challenge all the Mighty No. Bosses, back-to-back, with a clock ticking to keep track of your best time, so you can share, compare, and show off your skills to your friends!

$2.4 Million: Challenge Mode!
Similar to the Challenge Modes in games like New Super Mario Bros. U, this special extra mode would remix parts of existing levels and enemies to create dozens of mini-missions you can use to test your skills in a variety of enjoyably frustrating ways!

$2.55 Million: Extra End Stage & Boss!
We'll add another full stage, complete with an intense, original boss battle (!), to the final area Beck will take on once he defeats the other eight Mighty No. bosses!

We’re excited about all our stretch goals, but even so, this one is really special to us: based on your feedback, we wanted to offer something that both included Call as a playable character and put her on equal footing as Beck, while not breaking our schedule or budget. We also wanted this to be something new -- something the genre has never seen before. And that’s how we came up with this: over a dozen missions you can play online with a friend, playing as Beck and his community-appointed partner, Call! Like the single-player offline challenge Mode, these missions will be parts of levels remixed, but this time around the theme of cooperative play. Players will need to use Beck and Call’s different powers to complement each other and defeat these special challenges!

$2.9 Million: ???

$3.1 Million: ???
Mysterious mystery is mysterious...

$3.3 Million: PS4 and XBox One Versions!
Yes! We heard your calls and are proud to report we can finally offer next-gen versions of Mighty No. 9 here! We know by the time the game ships in 2015, many of you will be proud owners of one next-gen system or the other -- or maybe both! If we reach this level of funding, we can add the PS4 and the Xbox One to the list for every backer getting the digital version of Mighty No. 9 to choose from! To recap, that would mean you could choose one of the following: PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4, or Xbox One!"