Bound by Flame: Teaser vermittelt erste Kampfeindrücke

Bound by Flame
12.09.2013 11:11, Julian Dasgupta

Bound by Flame: Teaser vermittelt erste Kampfeindrücke

Nach Mars: War Logs setzen Focus Home Interactive und Spiders ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Bound by Flame (ab 1,40€ bei GP_logo_black_rgb kaufen) fort.  In dem Action-RPG schlüpft der Spieler in die Rolle eines Söldners (oder auf Wunsch bei der Charaktererstellung: einer Söldnerin), welcher von einem Feuerdämon besessen ist.

Ein erster Teaser soll jetzt einen Eindruck vermittlen vom Kampfgeschehen in Bound by Flame.

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Video: Debüt-Teaser

Im Laufe des Spiels muss sich der Spieler entscheiden, ob der der Versuchung erliegt, die mächtigen Kräfte des Dämonen zu verwenden, dafür aber nach und nach an Menschlichkeit einzubüßen.

"Depending on the choices made by the player and the influence of the demon, some chapters will offer different scenarios and a different experience, adding important replayability to the game. Real-time battles are impressive and dynamic. If the player begins the game knowing only the basics of combat, fire magic and assassination, he will be able to specialize by unlocking and improving many skills and powers through 3 different skill trees. 

Bound by Flame lets the players customize their character. During the creation of their hero, players will be able to choose their gender and facial characteristics. This will of course have an influence on the demon's appearance. Bound by Flame also includes a crafting system, allowing players to create and improve equipment, including their armor and weapons. Several companions will join the player during his quest, and will, depending on the player's actions, develop friendship, romance or rivalry."

Bound by Flame wird für PC, Xbox 360, PS3 sowie PS4 entwickelt udn soll Anfang 2014 erscheinen.