Firefall - PvP-Modi erstmal auf Eis gelegt

15.09.2013 11:41, Marcel Kleffmann

Firefall - PvP-Modi erstmal auf Eis gelegt

In einem offenen Brief meldete sich Mark Kern (CEO Red 5 Studios) zu Wort und erklärte, dass sie bei Firefall erstmal alle Spieler-gegen-Spieler-Modi (PvP) einstellen werden. Die aktuellen Systeme würden nicht gut genug funktionieren, zu wenige Spieler (drei Prozent der Spielerschaft) anziehen und bei der generellen PvE-Ausrichtung ohnehin zu kurz kommen. Auch weil die Spieler mehr PvE-Inhalte, weniger Bugs und eine Optimierung der bestehenden Mechaniken fordern, scheinen sich die Entwickler auf die PvE-Komponente konzentrieren zu wollen. Dennoch soll der PvP-Aspekt später definitiv wieder eingebaut werden.

"As you know, Firefall started with PvP. We have gone through several iterations, and for some time, pursued the controversial e-Sports route. As many of you know, its not working very well. Our last big attempt was a pure PvP eSports mode, Jetball. While very fun, its a high skill game and doesn't attract many of our players (less than 3% PvP in Firefall).

Also, PvP has suffered as our focus has had to focus on the popular PvE part of our game. People want more content, fewer bugs, and more polish on these world systems. For these reasons, we have made the tough decision to suspend PvP and take the system offline so that we can rethink it and relaunch it. PvP is an important part of our game, and we want to get it right.

So we’re going to regroup, rethink, and deliver the best PvP system we can that can be enjoyed by everyone. We don’t have a timetable for this, but at some near future point we will shut off the PvP aspect of the game, which we feel does not represent Firefall at its best, and relaunch that part of the game when its ready."