Transport Tycoon: Patch verfügbar

Transport Tycoon
30.10.2013 14:10, Julian Dasgupta

Transport Tycoon: Patch verfügbar

Wer sich die Mobile-Umsetzung von Transport Tycoon zugelegt hat, kann jetzt einen ersten Patch dafür beziehen. Der erweitert das Spiel um ein paar Optionen, z.B. das Benennen von Bahnhöfen und Fahrzeugen und Änderungen beim Autosave. Darüber hinaus wurden allerlei Fehler behoben.

Ebenfalls verfügbar sind die Titelmusik als Klingelton und das TT-Logo in Form einer STL-Datei für 3D-Drucker.

Die Patch-Notes:


- Halloween-themed loading scream (screen).

- Autosave now operates via a timer, selectable as an option

- Autosave will no longer load automatically, load can be done by scrolling to the saved file in the load a saved game menu

- Players can now customise station names

- Players can now customise vehicle names

- Added loading/saving progress bar

- Trains lengths now displayed as required platform lengths



- HUD performance updates

- Multiple navigation issues resolved

- General performance improvements

- Memory usage improvements for older devices

- Improved placement of station tiles next to existing station

- Improved selection of ground tiles for tree removal and area demolish

- Hide scenery now properly affects trees that are part of a Forest industry

- Fixed platform removal issues that could lead to station names remaining on the map

- Fixed problem caused by removing an airport to which a plane is currently heading

- Fixed problem where some stations were given an incorrect name when allocated

- Fixed centring problem on some devices with unusual aspect ratios

- Fixed problem with certain player built industries not accepting cargo

- Fixed problem with placing tram tracks on tile with existing bus station

- Fixed issue with stations listing cargo from recently closed nearby industries

- Fixed graphical flicker most noticeable on older devices (Samsung Galaxy S2 etc)

- Fixed certain trains choosing the wrong direction when leaving stations

- Fixed problem with land not being suitable for building if water had previously been raised then lowered to ground height

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