Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore - Entwicklung wird eingestellt

Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore
22.12.2013 13:03, Marcel Kleffmann

Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore - Entwicklung wird eingestellt

Nach der gescheiterten Kickstarter-Kampagne und der geplanten Umstellung auf ein Episodenformat mit 50.000 Dollar als Ziel für die Grundfinanzierung der ersten Episode haben die G3 Studios (nach zwei Wochen) nun endgültig das Handtuch geworfen . Da darüber hinaus keine konstante Finanzierung bzw. Unterstützung abzusehen war, was die Entwickler rund um Guido Henkel wohl mit dem episodenhaften Modell verbunden hatten, wird das Projekt nun offiziell beerdigt. Zudem hat es hinter den Kulissen wohl einige nicht näher beschriebene "Veränderungen" gegeben, die die Fertigstellung ebenfalls erschwert hätten.

Unterstützer von Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore erhalten in den nächsten Tagen ihr Geld zurück.

"As of today, we have cancelled the development of “Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore! I know that very many of you will be very disappointed, and I want you to know that I am every bit as disappointed as you are. Perhaps even more so, because we had invested one entire year of work, sweat, effort, hope and money into this project. It has become a dream project of sorts, the kind of game you really want to make, because you know that in the end it would have all the hallmarks of becoming a classic genre title. But alas, it was not supposed to be!

It is not a decision we have made lightly, and the fact that we tried to fight for the survival of the project tooth and nail is, I think, evidence of that. However, the way the project has shaped up and the way things have developed, we feel that we can no longer safely guarantee the completion of the game, and it would be entirely unethical to take your money and spend it without any real hope of ever completing the game."

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