Company of Heroes 2 - DLC-Paket "Southern Fronts" und Patch

Company of Heroes 2
10.12.2013 18:00, Marcel Kleffmann

Company of Heroes 2 - DLC-Paket "Southern Fronts" und Patch

SEGA und Relic Entertainment haben das Theatre-of-War-DLC-Paket "Southern Fronts" und einen Patch für Company of Heroes 2 (ab 9,99€ bei kaufen) veröffentlicht. "Southern Fronts" kostet 3,99 Euro und spielt während der Rasputiza im Frühling 1943:

"Die Rote Armee startet eine Offensive gegen die deutschen Frontlinien im Südwesten und scheint zunächst erfolgreich. Doch die deutschen Truppen erholen sich von dem Angriff und nehmen die Stadt Charkow erneut ein. Der Spieler kann zwischen beiden Fraktionen wählen sowie zehn Herausforderungen und Kämpfe bestreiten. Diese bieten neue Umwelteinflüsse wie beispielsweise tiefe Schlammpfützen, die Fahrzeuge beinträchtigen und neue Schwachstellen ans Tageslicht bringen."

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Video: Southern Front-DLC

Der ebenfalls zur Verfügung stehende (kostenlose) Patch enthält zwei weitere Multiplayer-Karten und bringt zahlreiche Verbesserungen beim Chatsystem, der Computerintelligenz und der Einheiten-Balance (Change-Log ). Außerdem wird das "Command Point System" überarbeitet:

"-Command Points are now earned at twice the rate as before
-Commander abilities have had their Command Point requirement doubled

The net effect is that the timing of unlocking Commander abilities should be mostly the same, and players should not expect to see much change from before.

Overall the command point changes are intended to give more variety in when things are available. We previously worked within a 7 point range and have increased that to a 16 point range to allow us more control over this sort of timing. The main driving force behind the change was allowing some units to come out earlier without having them be available immediately at the start of the game, specifically some of the new units. There were some other abilities that also tend to come later than we felt best, but where moving them a whole point sooner would have had to large of an effect on the game’s flow. Examples of this are the weaker tank call ins and economic abilities.

Additionally, we broke up later game abilities a bit more to add variety in when they come out and distinguish them from each other. In general, unit Call-Ins are available sooner than global abilities and upgrades as these are more often gated by resource cost."