NBA Live 14 - Erstes Update

NBA Live 14
22.12.2013 12:58, Marcel Kleffmann

NBA Live 14 - Erstes Update

NBA Live 14 (ab 5,20€ bei kaufen) war nicht gerade der große Wurf (zum Test), weswegen die Entwickler nun versuchen das Basketball-Spiel mit Patches auf Vordermann zu bringen. Das erste Update steht seit wenigen Tagen zur Verfügung und bringt erstmal das Live-Update-System des Spiels auf den neusten Stand, damit Veränderungen und Verbesserungen (Gameplay, Animationen, Grafiken, Sounds etc.) in Zukunft einfacher vorgenommen werden können.

"This will allow us to update and add content such as gameplay tuning, new animations, audio and visual assets directly to you as they become available.  This applies to cosmetic changes like new uniforms, shoes, accessories and so on, but also allows for ongoing gameplay and graphical improvements. "

Abseits des Patches für das Patchsystem haben die Entwickler am Wurfsystem gearbeitet, um das Timing für "Jump Shots" zu vereinfachen und durch ergänzende Änderungen am Blockverhalten sollen Würfe aus mittlerer und großer Entfernung nun realistischer sein. Größere Verbesserungen sind aber erst im nächsten Jahr zu erwarten.

"In addition, we also fixed a crowd audio issue in BIG Moments within our LIVE Season game mode, as well as changing the camera used during single player challenges. We've also made some tweaks to make online games more enjoyable by adjusting the shooting window. A number of other fixes and tweaks should help create a smoother overall online gaming experience.

Now, I'm sure you're also looking for an update on some of the bigger projects we told you last month we'd deliver - improving the way the game teaches the controls and on-boards new users, and more visual improvements.  We continue to work on all these items and will update on progress early in the New Year. However, we will use this new LIVE update system to enhance your experience as we make improvements to the game.

It was important to get this first Content Update in place, to not only provide fans with new content and game improvements as we head into the holidays, but to also put in place the pieces of technology we need to roll out some of the new additions that will be coming next year. We've promised to deliver an improved experience, and feel this is the first step down that road.  Rest assured there is still more to come, and we’ll have more info to share in the coming weeks."

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