Prison Architect - Alpha 16: Bessere KI und eigene Gefängnisabschnitte

Prison Architect
28.12.2013 09:39, Marcel Kleffmann

Prison Architect - Alpha 16: Bessere KI und eigene Gefängnisabschnitte

Das 16. Update für die Alpha-Version von Prison Architect (ab 11,61€ bei kaufen) steht bereit. Die Entwickler wollen größere Verbesserungen in nahezu allen Bereichen der Computerintelligenz vorgenommen haben. Außerdem ist es nun möglich, dass man mehrere autarke Abschnitte in einem Gefängnis errichten kann - z.B. einen Hochsicherheitstrakt für Schwerkriminelle, der komplett selbstständig funktioniert, während sich daneben ein Gefängnisabschnitt mit nicht so hohen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen befindet. Zudem wird die Landschaft jetzt prozedural generiert, damit die Umgebung des Gefängnisses nicht mehr so monoton aussieht.

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Video: Alpha 16

Passend dazu wird Prison Architect bis Sonntagabend im Rahmen der Weihnachtsaktion vergünstigt bei Steam angeboten .

= Procedural landscape generation
There are new options when generating a new prison :
-Forests adds random collections of trees, including new types of tree (Oak, Pine, Orange, Cypress, Palm)
-Buildings are usually derilict and can be used or demolished as you wish
-Lakes provide additional construction challenges by forcing you to work around them
-Warning: Including lakes can make your map totally unplayable. Experimental!

= Wood industry
-You can now cut down trees using "Dismantle" from the objects menu, and each tree will produce wooden Logs
-You can sell the logs for an immediate cash boost ("Sell" from the objects menu)
-Or if you have a workshop, your prisoners will cut the logs into stacks of wood planks, which sell for more
-Gardeners are now required to plant trees, and trees take time to grow from saplings
-Stacks of finished wood planks will auto-sell at 1am

= Steam Workshop for mods (Steam versions only)
-Mods can now be shared via the Steam Workshop, just like prisons
-The mods menu now lets you publish mods, highlights mods you have published, and shows newly downloaded mods
-Mods will automatically download when an update is available
-Adding FileID "-1" to your mod's manifest.txt will stop the game asking users to publish the mod. Useful for mods shared outside of the Steam Workshop.

= Full segregation support
-Extensive AI work means you can now fully segregate your prison by prisoner category
-You can create self contained wings (eg for Max Sec only) containing their own cells, yard, canteen, laundry, workshop etc
-New zone type: Med Sec, for medium security prisoner ONLY (orange)
-Note: The default zone colour (White) is SHARED, meaning all prisoners are permitted to enter

- Work/Employment/Industry AI improvements
-Kitchens are now significantly more efficient (Chefs waste much less time)
-You can now build any combination of kitchens and canteens, and your chefs will figure it out (Eg one kitchen serving multiple canteens, or each canteen having its own kitchen etc)
-Fixed: Multiple chefs would sometimes go to collect a box of ingredients from the deliveries zone, wasting time
-Fixed: Chefs often stood around doing nothing in the kitchen when they should be cooking
-Laundries and Workshop jobs are now performed more efficiently and intelligently
-Laundries will only service zones of the prison that prisoners working in that laundry would be permitted to reach
-Janitors will now help out with the prison Laundry service

-Prisoner cell re-assignments now happen without requiring shackled guard escort (if possible). They will be shackled and escorted by a guard if they are not permitted to make the journey themselves

New object: Road Gate
-Can be built spanning the entire road. Acts as a secure door, requiring a guard to unlock it whenever a vehicle or person wants to pass through. You can use this to span your prison across the road, or build a totally contained drop off zone

-Doors now open at different speeds.  A normal wood door is the fastest.  The large road gate is the slowest. The Large jail door opens slower than the normal jail door.

-Prisoners will now "make a run for it" if they are near the exit and you leave too many doors unlocked. Be careful when setting zones to "Unlocked" (green), or setting doors to "Locked open" Note: More dangerous prisoners are more likely to take advantage of lapses in security

-New red marker icon for escaping prisoners

-Electrical items no longer short out when wet. It is now safe to use Firemen in the kitchen, or to repair laundry machines without having to worry about electrocution. EXCEPT the power station which now explodes most spectacularly when wet.

Workshop balance nerf
-The workshop has been judged far too ridiculously profitable
-Cutting sheet metal and stamping license plates now takes twice as long as before
-Sheet metal now costs $10 per sheet, and produces 2 license plates which sell for $10 each, giving $10 profit (Previously $3 per sheet, producing 3 license plates selling at $10 each, giving $27 profit)
-Workshop saws and presses now cost 50% more to build