4Sceners: Hugi #38 veröffentlicht

10.06.2014 22:01, Bobic

Hugi #38 veröffentlicht

Verdammt viel guter Lesestoff, atemberaubend schöne Grafiken und reichlich Musikauswahl - endlich ist die 38. Ausgabe des Diskmags Hugi da. Die wichtigsten Themen der aktuellen Ausgabe:

- Andromeda Software Developement: 2014 and beyond. Navis speaks out!
- Orbiting the Scene: Hugi has an audience with Ziphoid about SceneSat
- Partyzone: Reporting from all over Europe! 15 Party reports included!
- Making of: Winning Revision 2014 PC demo 'Observatory' and the winning Datastorm 2014 commodore 64 demo 'We Are All Connected'
- Lord Helmet about RAW. Quarrel with Andromeda settled after 20 years? Hydra reacts!
- Report: Hugi went Backstage to give some insights on Still, Censor Design and Horology!
- A sneak peek (including screenshot!) on the forthcoming demos by ASD and Cocoon.
- Demozoo, the new demoscene database! Backstage with Gasman and Menace.
- Interviews: Hugi went one on one with, among others, Jeroen Tel of Maniacs of Noise, Paradroid of Lemon., Pal of Offence and Prince of the Obsessed Maniacs.
- Approximate: The making of Gaia Machina. In-depth article about the party and final version!
- Shadertoy: IQ of RGBA explains what Shadertoy is all about.

- Hugi Issue #38 / Hugi (2014)