Zenzizenzic - Geometrischer Kugelhagel: Arcade-Shooter startet noch im Juli

11.07.2015 09:01, Marcel Kleffmann

Zenzizenzic - Geometrischer Kugelhagel: Arcade-Shooter startet noch im Juli

Der minimalistische Twin-Stick-Shooter Zenzizenzic wird am 23. Juli erscheinen. Das Spiel wird dann 9,99 Dollar kosten und damit zwei Euro mehr als in der aktuellen Early-Access-Phase. Apropos Early-Access-Version: Für diese Fassung des an Geometry Wars erinnernden Spiels wurde das letzte Inhaltsupdate veröffentlicht, das u.a. die fünfte Stufe des Macro-Modus hinzufügt. Außerdem sollen mittlerweile die "Steam Leaderboards" funktionieren.

In Zenzizenzic kämpft man alleine oder mit einem Freund vor dem geteilten Bildschirm gegen zahlreiche Feinde, während man dichtem Kugelhagel ausweicht. Vor Beginn wählt man zwei Waffensysteme, Upgrades verbessern deren Stärke oder die Verteidigung des Schiffs - was spätestens in Duellen mit Bossen hilfreich ist. Bonuslevel verlangen das geschickte Durchfliegen enger Labyrinthe. Im Macro-Modus (Inhalt der ursprünglich geplanten Erweiterung) fliegt man mit nur einem Leben durch eine zufällig erstellte Welt, deren Bosse mehrere Bildschirme groß sein sollen. Geschick, Taktik und ein gewaltig verbessertes Schiff sollen notwendig sein, um diese zu bekämpfen sowie Geheimnisse zu entdecken.


  • Fixed an issue with destroyed bullets dropping more point pickups than intended.
  • Fixed an issue with diagonal movement being too fast in Classic.
  • Added various improvements to the interface in the Main Menu in regards to showing leaderboard and achievement stats and on other interface locations as well (such at the endgame overview for when the player has died/won).
  • Speaking of leaderboards, Steam Leaderboards are now fully functional. This means that choosing a name for the leaderboard has been removed as it now takes your Steam account name and only your single best score is registered.
  • Local leaderboards have been replaced by the feature Personal Best scores. This is a single high score that is tracked locally.

  • The radius with which you pull in point pickups now increases rapidly when you aren’t shooting. This is also indicated by a graphic, which can be adjusted or turned off from the Options menu.
  • Added a subtle graphical indicator for when a powerup has bounced from a wall to show that it will not bounce again.

  • The final level, level 5, of the Macro mode has been added.
  • Increased the movement speed of point pickups.
  • Increased the pickup radius upgrade in the Shop in Macro from 10% to 15% and increased the base value from 3 to 4.
  • Decreased the difficulty of the level 4 boss.
  • Added a percentage cost increase to the Gamble option in the Store.
  • Increased the duration of how long the Weapon and Shield upgrade pickups remain floating around before disappearing from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
  • Added a few environmental objects in level 4.
  • Re-balanced shop costs now that all the content is in place and a better flow of points income can be estimated. Note that this balance is not final, if I were to wager a guess I’d say things are slightly too costly at the moment overall, but it will be refined over time!
  • The critical chance upgrade now starts at 0% but increases by 10 each time it is purchased in the shop, up to 100%.

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Video: Early-Access-Trailer