Grim Dawn - Build-27-Update: Letzte Klasse eingebaut und allerlei Balance-Verbesserungen

Grim Dawn
23.08.2015 22:02, Marcel Kleffmann

Grim Dawn - Build-27-Update: Letzte Klasse eingebaut und allerlei Balance-Verbesserungen

Für die Early-Access-Version von Grim Dawn ist das Build-27-Update (v0.3.5.5 - b27) veröffentlicht worden. Es fügt die sechste und letzte Klasse ("Mastery") hinzu und zwar den Schamanen - Meister der Stürme, der Bestien und des Kampfes mit Zweihandwaffen. Ansonsten haben die Entwickler gehörig an der Balance und der Gegenstandsverteilung geschraubt. Neu sind ebenfalls zwei weitere Gebiete mit zwei Mini-Bossen (Change-Log ). Bis zum Ende des Jahres soll das Action-Rollenspiel sämtliche geplanten Inhalte bieten - inkl. Finale (4. Akt), ein zweites rogue-like Dungeon, legendäre Gegenstände und das Devotion-System.

[Major New Features]

  • The 6th and final mastery is now available: Shaman. The Shaman mastery opens up new opportunities for players seeking the power of lightning, additional summoned minions and powerful two-handed melee techniques.
  • The vile swamps of East Marsh are now accessible. Travel to the east of Burrwitch and take on two new mini-bosses.
  • A new chest has been introduced: Treasure Trove. Rumors speak of vast quantities of Iron Bits that Treasure Troves contain, but the only way to open them is with the use of Dynamite. Treasure Troves are scattered around the far reaches of the world.
  • Nemesis bosses now have a chance to drop Warrants, which boost Infamy gained with the respective faction by 50% across all difficulties. Warrants can be freely traded between players.
  • The Damage per Second display on the Character sheet has been overhauled. It now displays the DPS of your Left Mouse Button attack, with a detailed damage break-down in the tooltip. This calculation assumes a single target and takes into account all of your bonuses, including the skill's cooldown.
  • Two new Damage per Hit calculations have been added to the Char II tab of the Character Sheet which provide a Damage calculation of the skills you currently have set on the Left and Right Mouse Buttons, with a detailed breakdown in the tooltip. These calculations assume a single target and take into account all of your bonuses.
  • Skill tooltips now take into account all of your bonuses and update dynamically as you swap out equipment.