Killing Floor 2: Early-Access-Update "Incinerate 'n Detonate" mit zwei weiteren Karten und Perks steht bereit

Killing Floor 2
01.09.2015 17:28, Marcel Kleffmann

Killing Floor 2: Early-Access-Update "Incinerate 'n Detonate" mit zwei weiteren Karten und Perks steht bereit

Für die Early-Access-Version von Killing Floor 2 (ab 4,79€ bei GP_logo_black_rgb kaufen) ist ein fast 4 GB großes Update veröffentlicht worden. Laut Tripwire Interactive wird damit der Umfang des bisherigen Spiels um knapp 50 Prozent erweitert. Zwei Karten (Evacuation Point und Catacombs) und zwei neue Perks (Feuerteufel und Zerstörung) kommen hinzu. Neben weiteren Steam-Workshop-Features, dem "After Action Report" und Verbesserungen am Audiosystem wurde u.a. der Berserker Skilltree komplett überarbeitet.


  • Adding more than 50% more content to the game, available now players will be able to further explore the horrific world of KILLING FLOOR 2 with brand new content and features including the following:
  • 2 New Perks – Firebug and Demolitions, each with new weapons and grenades 
  • 2 New Maps – Evacuation Point and Catacombs 
  • New Weapons – More arsenal to destroy Zeds with such as the Dual 9mm Pistols 
  • Crossover Promotions:
    For players who own Chivalry – Playable Knight character with the Zweihänder sword
    For players who own Red Orchestra 2 – Anton Strasser playable character
  • NVIDIA PhysX Flex Technology – Featured for the first time ever in a game, KILLING FLOOR 2 incorporates this ground-breaking new technology (for NVIDIA GeForce 770’s and above cards)
  • Berserker Skill Tree – Complete overhaul revamps the Berserker skill tree to a whole new level 
  • After Action Report:
    -New system adding Team Awards, Personal Stats and Map Voting
    -Map Voting allows players to vote on the next map, winning map travels to server after
    -Kick Voting allows players to vote kick a player from the map
  • New Achievements 
  • Zed Hit Zones – Allows Areas on the Zeds to have different hit effects and vulnerabilities based on different zones 
  • New Steam Workshop functionality 
  • General Fixes and Improvements:
    Audio Fixes – Huge overhaul to improve audio system
    Old map and skill tree refinements such as the Commando skill tree
  • And Much More!

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Video: Incinerate 'n Detonate