Dead Island: Epidemic - Abschaltung im nächsten Monat

Dead Island: Epidemic
17.09.2015 15:00, Michael Krosta

Dead Island: Epidemic - Abschaltung im nächsten Monat

Dead Island: Epidemic, dem MOBA-Ableger der ursprünglich von Techland erdachte Reihe, ist nur ein kurzes Leben bestimmt: Wie das Team auf Steam verkündet, werden die Server nach der geschlossenen Alpha, einer geschlossenen Beta und der zuletzt offenen Beta am 15. Oktober endgültig abgeschaltet. Bereits jetzt wird man dem Titel keine weiteren Updates mehr spendieren.

Hier der komplette Beitrag im Original:

Dear players,

Ever since starting with the Closed Alpha, and all the way through the Closed Beta and Open Beta, we’ve received a great amount of useful criticism and encouraging feedback from our players. This has been invaluable for all the teams involved in developing the game.

Over the past weeks and months we’ve been evaluating how to proceed with Dead Island: Epidemic and looking towards the future for the game. We’re sad to announce today that we’ve come to the conclusion to cease further development.

We will be leaving the servers open until the end of October 15th (Pacific Time), during which time we’ll run a very large discount on all characters and boosts to give everyone a chance to spend any remaining currency on characters and items you may have wanted to try before, but never did.

We want to thank everyone for their support, their feedback, and their time playing Dead Island: Epidemic! The game would not have been the same without you.

Team Dead Island: Epidemic

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