Destiny: König der Besessenen: Aktuelles Update sperrt offenbar vorher verfügbare Inhalte

Destiny: König der Besessenen
18.09.2015 09:25, Jan Wöbbeking

Destiny: König der Besessenen: Aktuelles Update sperrt offenbar vorher verfügbare Inhalte

Ds aktuelle Update des MMO-Shooters Destiny sorgt offenbar für ungeliebte Nebenwirkungen - wie Kotaku berichtet. Das Update bereitet das Spiel für die Erweiterung "König der Besessenen" vor, welche eine Reihe neuer Inhalte mit sich bringt. Wer sich das Add-On nicht zulegt, soll nach dem Update aber deutlich weniger Inhalte spielen können. Eine ganze Reihe von Dingen, die vorher noch im Hauptspiel und seinen älteren DLCs erreichbar waren, sollen neuerdings gesperrt sein. Dazu gehören demnach z.B. Heroic Strikes und Nightfalls. Reddit-Nutzer eclipsedsunrise hat eine übersichtliche Liste der Elemente zusammengestellt, die nach dem Update nicht mehr verfügbar sein sollen, wenn man sich nicht "König der Besessenen" zulegt:

  • "Daily, Weekly heroic and nightfall missions are all gated off. Now it's not to say that these won't cycle through to older missions, but bungie seems to have set the new game to 'only level 40' mode, so who's to say that next week won't be undying mind with a level 40 requirement slapped on it?
  • All Vendor gear is now locked, old vendor gear is gone completely and I'd assume unobtainable. The only gear that you can buy is from your vanguard mentor- uncommons with few perks and only some with 170 defense ratings.
  • The vanguard legacy playlist is a shadow of what the old vanguard strike playlists were, providing paltry rewards and seemingly no legendary gear- compared to what you could do two weeks ago.
  • All "kill objective" missions while patrolling lead to Taken, who you are unable to kill due to the high level difference. This effectively renders them unbeatable unless you have a fire team member who owns the expansion.
  • crucible now only lets you select between random 3v3 or 6v6 match types, which is paltry compared, again, to what you could do two weeks ago.
  • Level select on missions is gone, you can only do the mission on the default difficulty- this devalues content even as there are legacy quests being re implemented to give gear with 2.0
  • the wandering wolf packs are gone, along with being able to level up queens wrath (at least I haven't found any way besides grinding the story missions endlessly).
  • Doesn't seem like there's a way to earn legendary marks, so you can't purchase planetary materials. Back to farming Venus for some more spirit bloom, then.
  • all Eris bounties are gone, and her item selection has been culled (so that's what, half of the dark below?)
  • on a slightly less objective note, the jump from year one gear to year two gear means that for someone with the expansion, there's very little reason to play VoG, Crota's end or PoE. I spent an hour on /r/fireteams attempting to get a group for anything, and failed."

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