EverQuest Next: Landmark ist von der Einstellung nicht betroffen und wird im Frühjahr 2016 erscheinen

EverQuest Next
12.03.2016 10:36, Marcel Kleffmann

EverQuest Next: Landmark ist von der Einstellung nicht betroffen und wird im Frühjahr 2016 erscheinen

Nach der Einstellung der Entwicklung von EverQuest Next hat Holly Longdale (Executive Producer) klargestellt , dass Landmark im Frühjahr 2016 erscheinen soll. Er schreibt, dass die Entwickler von den Reaktionen der Community auf den Voxelwelt-Baukasten ziemlich überrascht gewesen waren und die Kreativität der Spieler sie schlichtweg umgehauen hätte. Im gleichen Atemzug kündigte Longdale an, dass ein großes Update mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen und Neuerungen im Anmarsch sei (FAQ ).

Will Landmark Be a Free-to-Play Game?
Landmark will be available for $9.99 USD. At this time, we do not have any plans to make Landmark free-to-play.

Is Landmark Part of the EverQuest Franchise?
Landmark began as a collection of voxel building tools but has evolved into an engaging and diverse world with its own unique identity. You will find Norrathian-inspired touches throughout the world, either from Daybreak developed props and outfits or in player creations.

What's Going on With EverQuest and EverQuest II?
EverQuest and EverQuest II are still in active development, and the last year has been one of growth for both communities. The future looks bright for these titles, and we're excited by what our development teams have planned in 2016 and beyond.

Will There be a Landmark Server Wipe?
There will be at least two more wipes before Landmark launches this spring. Follow us on social and the forums for more information on when wipes will occur in the near future.

Will Player Studio Continue to be in Landmark?
Player Studio is currently available in Landmark and offers players the opportunity to create in-game items that can be sold in the marketplace for royalties (i.e. real world money!) After you've mastered building in Landmark, take your creations to the next level! Save a piece of your creation or the entire project as a template. Price them and place them on the Showcase Marketplace and earn real money when other players purchase them.

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Video: Landmark: Building Blocks - Desert