Goat Simulator: Erweiterung "Waste of Space" bringt die Ziegen ab morgen in den Weltraum

Goat Simulator
25.05.2016 12:17, Alice Wilczynski

Goat Simulator: Erweiterung "Waste of Space" bringt die Ziegen ab morgen in den Weltraum

Morgen erscheint die Erweiterung "Waste of Space" der Simulation Goat Simulator (ab 6,69€ bei kaufen) für den PC, iOS und Android. Diese schickt die Ziegen in den Weltraum und spielt im Trailer auf verschiedene Weltraum-Spiele wie Mass Effect oder No Man's Sky an. Laut Pressemitteilung gibt es folgende Inhalte:

- Visit space today or get old waiting for that other space game that you already paid for
- Crowdfund a space colony and get other people to pay for it and do all the work!
- Endless space full of planets to visit. but seriously it would take forever to go there so why bother
- There is one planet nearby though. Go to that one
- Fly and shoot stuff in space, because nobody makes games about flying and shooting in space anymore
- Learn how to be a real bridge commander like that spock dude from mars or whatever
- The biggest map in goat simulator history, filled to the brim with exclusive content. I know PR. Hire me Valve!
- No crew member will be left unromanced

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