Paradox Interactive: Wird Botschafter der "Women in Games"-Kampagne

Paradox Interactive
12.09.2016 15:34, Jan Wöbbeking

Paradox Interactive: Wird Botschafter der "Women in Games"-Kampagne

Paradox Interactive (Europa Universalis, Hearts of Iron) will sich für mehr Frauen in der Spielentwicklung einsetzen: Der schwedische Publisher gab heute bekannt, dass er zum "Founding Ambassador", also einer Art Botschafter für die Initiative Women in Games wird: "Paradox Interactive wird als Stockholmer Founding-Ambassador das Wachstum der Organisation von Women in Games unterstützen, dabei helfen, die Reichweite und den Umfang ihrer Programme zu erhöhen und dabei helfen, das strategische Ziel einer Verdopplung der Zahl von Frauen in Spielen über den Zeitraum von zehn Jahren zu erreichen." Auch in der Branche aktive Einzelpersonen und andere europäische Unternehmen könnten sich als Botschafter für mehr Diversität einsetzen, so die Pressemitteilung:

"Women in Games, the non-profit organization focused on increasing diversity in the games space, recently revealed their new company Ambassador program. Paradox Interactive becomes a Women in Games Founding Ambassador in Stockholm. Ambassadors are individuals or leading game companies in Europe with a professional standing in their country and a commitment to engage and promote more diversity. Paradox Interactive will, as the Women in Games Founding Ambassador in Stockholm, support the growth of the Women in Games organization, help increase the reach and scale of its programs and help achieve the strategic goal of doubling the number of women in games over 10 years.

“Our philosophy is that by bringing people with different backgrounds, competences, experiences and ideas together, we will continue to grow as a successful industry. An industry that today is present in every aspect of society”, said Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive. “Bringing more women into games is just one aspect, alongside other initiatives we are involved with, of creating the type of games industry we want to continue working in and for”. 

“Women in Games are delighted to welcome Paradox Interactive as a Women in Games Founding Ambassador”, said Marie-Claire Isaaman, CEO of Women in Games. “We believe that forming strong partnerships with progressive game studios in the UK and Europe will create invaluable opportunities to transform the European game industries, driving transformation to build a more diverse and successful sector. John Hargelid, CIO of Paradox Interactive, will serve as the Ambassador for Paradox Interactive, incorporating their work with Women in Games in current plans and also develop the Stockholm program together with the organization.”