ARK: Survival Evolved - TEK-Update (u.a. mit Dino-Laserkanonen) für PS4 und Xbox One veröffentlicht

ARK: Survival Evolved
17.02.2017 09:04, Jan Wöbbeking

ARK: Survival Evolved - TEK-Update (u.a. mit Dino-Laserkanonen) für PS4 und Xbox One veröffentlicht

Studio Wildcard hat das versprochene TEK-Update (Patch 254) für ARK: Survival Evolved (ab 14,99€ bei kaufen) mittlerweile auch für Playstation 4 und Xbox One veröffentlicht. Es ist das bisher größte Update für das Spiel überhaupt. Die Entwickler wollen damit den Endspurt zur Veröffentlichung im "Sommer 2017" einläuten. Mit dem (kostenlosen) TEK-Update kommen neue Endgame-Inhalte für das Crafting-System ins Spiel. Gemeint sind futuristische Rüstungen, Waffen und Ausrüstung wie z.B. Laserkanonen, die sich an die Dinos schnallen lassen.

Als Beispiele werden TEK-Boots (Stiefel, die den Fallschaden absorbieren), TEK-Vision (identifiziert gegnerische Spieler und Kreaturen) inkl. Nachtsicht, TEK-Handschuhe (schwerer Nahkampfangriff), TEK-Gewehre etc. genannt. Darüber hinaus kommen u.a. vier weitere Kreaturen sowie die Möglichkeit ins Spiel, dass sich die Schützlinge passend zum Valentinstag schneller vermehren können.

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Video: Patch 254: TEK Tier, Purlovia, Baryonyx, Basilosaurus, Ovis, Hair etc.

"Seattle, WA - February 16, 2017 - The super scientists at Studio Wildcard today released a huge sci-fi-themed update for ARK: Survival Evolved on console, with the release of its TEK Tier content. Now available for free download on Xbox One and PlayStation®4, this update adds new weapons, armors, gear, and most importantly - dinosaur mounted laser cannons - to ARK's already significant arsenal. Players can also tame four new creatures and take part in the Valentine’s Day Event, a limited-time opportunity to increase creature mating speed and find a box of chocolates that can be used to unlock new event-themed hairstyles and an emote!

Along with the TEK Tier release comes the fantastic news that ARK: Survival Evolved has sold over one million copies on PlayStation 4 since its December 6, 2016 launch, and has been the #1 selling game on PlayStation Network in both December 2016 and January 2017.
To celebrate, the ARK: Survival Evolved “Survivor’s Pack” is now on sale worldwide on the PlayStation 4 platform at 20% discount (MSRP $54.99/¤49.99). This bundle gives PS4 players an up-to-date version of ARK: Survival Evolved that includes the previously released content, plus Scorched Earth -- ARK’s first Expansion Pack.
ARK: Survival Evolved includes exclusive content for PlayStation 4 players including a Bionic Giganotosaurus skin plus an entire Manticore armor set for all male and female characters. PlayStation 4 Pro owners will also gain substantial performance improvements including a higher framerate, smoother animations and stunning visual effects.
“We want to say a big THANK YOU to all the fans who have supported us as we march toward completion of this epic game,” said Jeremy Stieglitz, co-founder, lead designer, lead programmer, development director, co-creative director at Studio Wildcard. “The community is the key part of what makes ARK an exciting, dynamic experience and keeps survivors coming back for more!”

Players wanting TEK Tier loot will need to gather the newly introduced Element resource, which is granted after successfully completing Boss Arenas. Each Boss now has three difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard) and after defeating the respective Boss are awarded with unique TEK Knowledge engrams, element and other general Boss Rewards. Collect the Element, then use the TEK Replicator to craft all TEK items.
And if the TEK Tier isn't enough new content for players - how about a new batch of creatures? The new update includes the Ovis Aries, Baryonyx Aquafulgur, Basilosaurus Solatiumfecit, and the Purlovia Maxima, bringing ARK's creature count up to a whopping 96!
The TEK Tier for ARK will be implemented in multiple phases, Phase I arrives on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One today with awesome new element powered gear including:

    TEK Helmet - Contains a built-in oxygen tank and three different type of vision: Sonar, which identifies tribes, allies, enemies and creatures, Night (see in the dark) and a combined Sonar/Night mode.
    TEK Boots - These boots let players scale vertical surfaces with ease, along with negating any falling damage.
    TEK Pants - Enable a super run that lets players speed through solid objects. Combined with the TEK Shirt, the pants allow for faster flight and a cool superheroic stance.
    TEK Shirt - Jet Pack! Ever wanted to be Iron Man? Don this item then rocket upwards into space or hover above your enemies to better view the devastation you have wrought!
    TEK Gauntlets - Powerful super punch - dash-smash your foes across the map with this powered up fisticuffs feature.
    TEK Rifle - Powered by Element, the rifle features a scope that can sync up with the TEK Helmet's vision modes for double the death-dealing.
    TEK Rex Saddle - Mount lasers on your T-Rex. Yes...lasers...on...a...T-Rex
    TEK Replicator - Needed for crafting items from the TEK tier.
    TEK Transmitter -  This portable terminal functions similarly to an Obelisk, allowing players to transfer characters, creatures and items across the ARK.

Four New Creatures are also added in ARK v254!

Purlovia Maxima - Resembling a giant weasel, the Purlovia is a nasty sneak, burrowing underground so it can ambush unaware passers-by.

Basilosaurus Solatiumfecit - One of the stranger water creatures is Basilosaurus, a powerful swimmer that is so adapted to life in the shallows, it has problems surviving in deep water. This hasn't kept tribes from taming these gentle creatures, as their warm-blooded nature means riders can be kept comfortable in both hot and cold climes. Its blubber is also valuable, as it can be processed into a highly efficient form of gasoline.

Baryonyx Aquafulgur - Baryonyx has the distinction of being on the small end of the large predator tier, but that doesn't make it any less dangerous. It's an extremely fast swimmer, and can threaten most creatures on land and sea, which makes it an efficient killer. Taming a Baryonyx makes it even more dangerous!

Ovis Aries - The Ovis has arrived in-game! This passive, stupid-tempered creature might be weak, but it's definitely useful, with wool that can be repeatedly sheared and re-grown, and the ability to produce tasty, wonderful, lamb chops. Its also makes for a fun, albeit slow, mount!

Other Features in the ARK v254 Patch

- New Weapon - Lance: Saddle up and prepare for medieval mounted mayhem with the arrival of this, the Jurassic Jouster's weapon of choice.
- New Mechanic: Hairstyles, Facial Hair, Hair Colouring and styling with real-time growing. Customize your avatars with awesome new beards and then watch them grow! Cut, dye and trim your hair as you go all out with your character design.
- 16 Additional Explorer Notes
- A ton of improvements for official mod The Center, and general game fixes!

ARK: Survival Evolved is in development for Xbox One via the ID@Xbox program, Steam Early Access and PlayStation®4. The game is currently playable in on all three platforms, which includes Oculus Rift VR support and an integration of Steam community features such as Steam Economy and Steam Workshop for custom maps and mods. Players can host private/LAN servers and have access to a custom-built version of the Unreal Engine 4 Editor for creating mods. The world of ARK is designed to be modder-friendly and ever-expanding!"

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Video: Patch 254: TEK Tier, Purlovia, Baryonyx, Basilosaurus, Ovis, Hair etc.