Oxygen Not Included - Early-Access-Update: Oil Upgrade bringt Öl, Plastik und Schutzanzüge

Oxygen Not Included
06.10.2017 10:47, Marcel Kleffmann

Oxygen Not Included - Early-Access-Update: Oil Upgrade bringt Öl, Plastik und Schutzanzüge

Für Oxygen Not Included ist das nächste Early-Access-Update, das "Oil Upgrade", veröffentlicht worden. Es dreht sich um Kohlenwasserstoffe (Rohöl, Erdöl), die als Grundlage für vielseitige Kunststoffe für fortgeschrittene Technologien und Luxusgüter dienen. Neu sind außerdem Schutzanzüge für die Klone inkl. "Suit Checkpoints" und "Exosuit Overlay" (zum Change-Log ).

Anfang September gaben die Entwickler zu, dass das "Outbreak Upgrade" problematisch und nicht gut ausbalanciert war - vor allem der Umgang mit den Krankheiten in der frühen Spielphase. Außerdem stimmten sie der Kritik der Spieler zu und meinten, dass sie mit den Krankheiten "nicht gerade ein besonders stark nachgefragtes Feature" eingebaut hätten. Da die zentralen Spielsysteme aber nun implementiert seien, wollen sie in Zukunft für mehr Abwechslung und Vielfalt in der Spielwelt sorgen, den Techtree weiter vertiefen und mehr Interaktionen zwischen den Klonen einbauen. Außerdem sollen die Update fortan in kürzeren Abständen erscheinen.

Oxygen Not Included has received a whole new collection of Hydrocarbon resources, along with research and buildings to manipulate them to your benefit. Among these new Hydrocarbons are Crude Oil and Petroleum, which you can use to manufacture versatile plastics for advanced technologies and luxury commodities.

Key Features

  • Oil Biome: Journey down into the asteroid's depths to obtain the valuable Crude Oil that awaits in this new biome. You may even make some new creature friends along the way.
  • Oil Wells and Geysers: Seek out Oil Geysers and tap them with Oil Wells to extract their precious fuel. You may need to sacrifice some fresh water in the process, however.
  • Petroleum Generator: Use the new Oil Refinery to produce Petroleum and fuel your new high-powered Petroleum Generator.
  • Plastics: The Polymer Press will allow you to start manufacturing your own plastics, unlocking a new tier of advanced and germ-resistant materials. Try not to heat them up though; Naphtha byproducts are no use to anybody.

Suits are heavy-duty hazard gear designed to keep your Duplicants breathing in any environment. With these new additions, you control when and where Duplicants must wear protective suits as they go about their work and keep your base running.

Key Features

  • Atmo Suits: Crafted at the new Exosuit Station, Atmo Suits increase digging speed and shield Duplicants from unlivable temperatures, gases, and conditions. They may slow your Dupes down a bit, but being slow is better than being dead.
  • Checkpoints and Docks: Use new Suit Checkpoints to mark off areas where Duplicants must wear Atmo Suits and prevent them from entering dangerous places unprotected. Once done they've finished their business, you can store and refill your exosuits back at the Suit Docks located next to your Checkpoint.
  • New Overlay: Enter the Exosuit Overlay to view docks and the checkpoints marking where Duplicants must change into suits.

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Video: E3-Teaser 2016 (PC Gaming Show)