PlayStation 3: Stellungnahme zum Preis

PlayStation 3
06.04.2006 09:16, Jörg Luibl

PlayStation 3: Stellungnahme zum Preis

Es gibt nichts Schöneres und gleichzeitig Sinnloseres, als über den Preis einer kommenden Konsole zu spekulieren. Am Ende weiß nur einer, was die PlayStation 3 kosten wird: Sony. Trotzdem wird der Publisher scheinbar nervös, wenn es um Gerüchte geht, die er selber ins Rollen bringt: George Fornay, Präsident von Sony Computer Entertainment Frankreich, sprach in einem Interview mit dem französischen Radiosender "Europe 1" über den Wert der PS3, BluRay & Co - und dabei fielen zwei Zahlen. Deshalb kursiert derzeit der Preis von 499 bis 599 Euro u.a. den Kollegen vom Spiegel oder Joystiq .

Aber: Sony dementiert postwendend. Deshalb hier das offizielle Statement, um alle Gemüter zu beruhigen:

"During a wide ranging interview/discussion on Europe 1 radio last night, Georges Fornay, Managing Director of SCE France discussed the PlayStation 3, amongst other new consumer technology products. Reports on the web suggest that he might have indicated a price for PS3 around 500 Euros or between 499 and 599. This is a mistranslation and/or misunderstanding of the discussion, which was actually focused on the relative value of PS3 as a Bluray Disc player.

Referring to a previous discussion about the roughly $1,000 price point of BD players, the interviewer asked whether a price point of around $500 (dollars, not Euros) was about right for the PS3. Mr Fornay explained that, with BD and HD functionality, PS3 at this price would be cheap for such functionality, but that current video games machines were significantly below this price.

At no time did he suggest or indicate a specific price point for PS3, and any reports that he did so are incorrect.

He summarised by saying that PS3 would be expensive when one looked at the price of a video games machine, at far below 500 Euros, but extremely good value when looking at BD and HD technology inside.

No official announcement has yet been made on the price of the PS3."