PlayStation 3: Schwachpunkt Preis?

PlayStation 3
14.05.2006 11:16, Jörg Luibl

PlayStation 3: Schwachpunkt Preis?

Die PlayStation 3 hat ihren stolzen Preis, wenn sie am 17. November in Europa landet: 499 Euro zahlen Spieler für die Version mit 20 Gigabyte-Festplatte, 599 Euro für die 70-Gigabyte-Version. Die Konkurrenz ist sich einig, dass das zu teuer ist.

Peter Moore, der Marketingchef für die Xbox 360, in einem Interview mit Joystiq , angesprochen auf die größte Schwäche der PlayStation 3:

"Price point is a weakness. As much as they will say that -- I think that Kutaragi overnight said it's too cheap or something like that -- I don't know. Price is going to be an issue. But the way that we as an industry need to cost reduce and bring better value to the consumer as quickly as we can... There are consumer segments that enter the market when the price hits a particular point. You've got to be able to cost-reduce your product accordingly. They may be able to do an amazing job of incredibly bringing [the price] of that product down. I don't know."

Nintendo-Präsident Satoru Iwata äußerte sich in einem Interview mit der Seattle Times über die Preispolitik Sonys:

"That's not something I should comment on as a corporate president. But as one single person, a potential customer for the PS3, I think it's a bit expensive. But it depends on how the general public is going to see it. So far, within two days now, a majority of people who have commented on the price point are saying the same thing: It's expensive."