Final Fantasy 12: Final Fantasy XII: Grand-Award

Final Fantasy 12
02.10.2006 12:46, Jörg Luibl

Final Fantasy XII: Grand-Award

Erstmals wurden im Rahmen der Tokyo Game Show 2006 die Japanese Game Awards verliehen. Dabei konnte das hier erst im März 2007 erscheinende Rollenspiel Final Fantasy XII den Grand Award sowie einen Award of Excellence einheimsen. Der Kommentar des Producers:

"I did my best to bring new and innovative elements to this work. I'm very happy that something like this, which was one of the more challenging games to create in the Final Fantasy series, has received this award. To return the favor to the users who've played this game and who regard it so highly, I'm determined to continue creating by always reminding myself of the need to rise to new challenges."

Hier die Begründungen der Jury:

Grand Award

Final Fantasy XII presents the best graphics in its series and the spectacular view of the world; outstanding story development and seamless battle scenes. Furthermore, it brings us the exceptionally completed form of a RPG, including the fantastic music and other impressive areas. Many players called this game as "The very best at everything," and it is awarded with the Best Game Award.

Award for Excellence

Final Fantasy XII was recognized for its overall excellent quality. It demonstrates the best graphics in its series and the spectacular view of the world. Furthermore, it brings us the exceptionally completed form of a story and music.

Bilder und weitere Details auf der Jury-Seite .